Account Class and Groups Setups
Account Class ID
The AccountClassID fields are assigned to various groupings in the data warehouse back-end setups. Then the groups are used in various data source formulas.
These groupings are used for both _GL_Transaction and _GL_Financials data sources.
The following are examples of how AccountClassID’s can be assigned. Your current AccountClassID assignments can be viewed in the QA GL Transactions workbook.
GL1 for BS1/PL1 Key
Account Classes are initially assumed to belong to the following groups:
AccountClass.Type | BS1/PL1 |
A (Asset) | B10Asset |
L (Liability) | B20Liability |
I (Income) | P00Sales |
E (Expense) | P30OpEx (Operating Expense) |
Exceptions to these defaults are maintained in the back-end setups.