Adv Analytics for Acumatica - Metadata (Retired)
The following is a guideline to what's available out of the box as of Nov 1st 2019. It's subject to change without notice. Please check your Advanced Analytics installation to double-check the actual metadata (click here for details).
AP Aging
Extracts data from AP.APInvoice, AP.APPayment and related tables to provide easy visibility to AP Aging trends and details.
Union of GIs:
- DSL_AP_OpenPayables
- DSL_AP_Payment
Data validation:
- Compare report from URL to Acumatica’s AP Aging. Watch video for tips.
- Popular adustments to match report with Acumatica:
- Use filters on URL (visit xxx to save changes permanently).
- Adjust AP Aging formula from URL: click Edit, right-click AP Aging dimension, change formula as needed (visit xxx to save changes permanently).
Aging: if [Work Day: Today]-[Due Date] <=0 then 'On Time' elseif [Work Day: Today]-[Due Date]<=30 then '01-30 Days' elseif [Work Day: Today]-[Due Date]<=60 then '31-60 Days' elseif [Work Day: Today]-[Due Date]<=90 then '61-90 Days' else '90+ Days' end
Batch No: [APInvoice_BatchNbr & APPayment_BatchNbr]
Branch: [Branch BranchCD]
Discount Date: [APInvoice DiscDate]
Doc Date: [APInvoice DocDate & APPayment_DocDate]
Doc Desc: DATE([APInvoice DocDate & APPayment_DocDate])
Doc No: [APInvoice_RefNbr_PK & APPayment_RefNbr_PK]
Due Date: if [Type]='PPM' or isnull([APInvoice DueDate]) then TODAY() else [APInvoice DueDate] end
Est Pay Date: [APInvoice_EstPayDate]
FYear: 'FY '+mid([APInvoice_TranPeriodID & APPayment_TranPeriodID],3,4)
FPeriod: left([APInvoice_TranPeriodID & APPayment_TranPeriodID],2)
FPeriod Y/M: mid([APInvoice_TranPeriodID & APPayment_TranPeriodID],3,4)+'/'+left([APInvoice_TranPeriodID & APPayment_TranPeriodID],2)
Hold?: [APInvoice_Hold & APPayment_Hold]=1
Open Doc?: [APInvoice_OpenDoc & APPayment_OpenDoc]=1
Printed?: [APInvoice_Printed]
Released?: [APInvoice_Released & APPayment_Release]=1
Source: [APInvoice_OrigModule]
Status: [APInvoice Status & APPayment_Status]
Subacct: [Sub_SubCD]
URL Doc: [URL Acumatica]+'AP301000&DocType='+[APInvoice DocType PK & APPayment_DocType_PK]+'&RefNbr='+[Doc No]
URL Vend: [URL Acumatica]+'AP303000&AcctCD='+[Vend ID]
Terms: [APInvoice TermsID]
Work Day: Today: case datepart('weekday',today()) when 1 then TODAY()-2 when 7 then TODAY()-1 else today() END
Type: [APInvoice DocType PK & APPayment_DocType_PK]
Vend Class: [Vendor_VendorClassID]
Vend Doc No: [APInvoice InvoiceNbr]
Vend ID: [Vendor_AcctCD]
Vend Name: [Vendor AcctName]
Vendor: [Vendor_AcctCD] + ' ' + [Vendor AcctName]
Voided?: [APInvoice_Voided & APPayment_Voided]=1
Disc Balance: [APInvoice_DiscBal]
Disc Original: [APInvoice OrigDiscAmt]
Disc Taken: [APInvoice_DiscTaken]
Disc Total: [APInvoice_DiscTot]
Line Amt: [APInvoice_LineTotal]
Tax: [APInvoice_TaxAmt]
Balance: case right([Table Name],10) when 'AP_Payment' then if [Type]='ADR' then 0 elseif [Type]='PPM' then -[APPayment_DocBal] else [APPayment_DocBal] end when 'enPayables' then if [Type]='ADR' or [Type]='PPM' then -[APInvoice_DocBal] else [APInvoice_DocBal] end end
Doc Amt: if CONTAINS([Type],'debit') or CONTAINS([Type],'pay') then -[APInvoice OrigDocAmt & APPayment_OrigDocAmt] else [APInvoice OrigDocAmt & APPayment_OrigDocAmt] end
Paid: [Doc Amt] - [Balance]
AR Aging
Extracts data from AR.ARInvoice, AR.ARPayment and related tables to provide easy visibility to AR Aging trends and details.
Union of GIs:
- DSL_AR_OpenPayables
- DSL_AR_Payment
Data validation:
- Compare report from URL to Acumatica’s AR Aging. Watch video for tips.
- Popular adustments to match report with Acumatica:
- Use filters on URL (visit xxx to save changes permanently).
- Adjust AR Aging formula from URL: click Edit, right-click AR Aging dimension, change formula as needed (visit xxx to save changes permanently).
Aging: if [Work Day: Today]-[Due Date] <=0 then 'On Time' elseif [Work Day: Today]-[Due Date]<=30 then '01-30 Days' elseif [Work Day: Today]-[Due Date]<=60 then '31-60 Days' elseif [Work Day: Today]-[Due Date]<=90 then '61-90 Days' else '90+ Days' end
Batch No: [ARInvoice_BatchNbr & ARPayment_BatchNbr]
Branch: [Branch_BranchCD]
Cust Class: [Customer_CustomerClassID]
Cust ID: [Customer_AcctCD]
Cust Location: [Location_LocationCD]
Cust Name: [Customer_AcctName]
Customer: [Cust ID]+' - '+[Cust Name]
Doc Date: [ARInvoice_DocDate & ARPayment_DocDate]
Doc Desc: [ARInvoice_DocDesc & ARPayment_DocDesc]
Doc No: [ARInvoice_RefNbr_PK & ARPayment_RefNbr_PK]
Due Date: if [Type]='CRM' or [Type]='PMT' then [Doc Date] elseif ISNULL([ARInvoice_DueDate]) then TODAY() else [ARInvoice_DueDate] END
FYear: 'FY '+mid([ARInvoice_TranPeriodID & ARPayment_TranPeriodID],3,4)
FPeriod: left([ARInvoice_TranPeriodID & ARPayment_TranPeriodID],2)
FPeriod Y/M: mid([ARInvoice_TranPeriodID & ARPayment_TranPeriodID],3,4)+'/'+left([ARInvoice_TranPeriodID & ARPayment_TranPeriodID],2)
Country: [Address_CountryID]
State: [Address_State]
City: [Address_City]
GL Acct: [Account_AccountCD]+' - '+[Account_Description]
GL Acct ID: [Account_AccountCD]
GL Class: [Account_AccountClassID]
Hold?: INT([ARInvoice_Hold & ARPayment_Hold])=1
Open Doc?: INT([ARInvoice_OpenDoc & ARPayment_OpenDoc])=1
Released?: INT([ARInvoice_Released & ARPayment_Released])=1
Salesperson: [SalesPerson_Descr]
Status: [ARInvoice_Status & ARPayment_Status]
Subacct: [Sub_SubCD]
URL Cust: [URL Acumatica]+'AR303000&AcctCD='+[Cust ID]
URL Doc: [URL Acumatica]+'AR301000&DocType='+if [Type]='Invoice' then 'INV' else 'CRM' end +'&RefNbr='+[Doc No]
Terms: [ARInvoice_TermsID]
Work Day: Today: case datepart('weekday',today()) when 1 then TODAY()-2 when 7 then TODAY()-1 else today() END
Type: [ARInvoice_DocType_PK & ARPayment_DocType_PK]
Voided?: [ARInvoice_Voided & ARPayment_Voided]=1
Avg Days Late: AVG(if [Status]='Open' then today()-[Due Date] END)
Balance: case right([Table Name],10) when 'AR_Payment' then if [Type]='CRM' then 0 else -[ARPayment_DocBal] END
when 'eceivables' then if [Type]='CRM' then -[ARInvoice_DocBal] else [ARInvoice_DocBal] end END
Commission: if [Type]='Invoice' then 1 else -1 end * [ARInvoice_CommnAmt]
Discount: if [Type]='Invoice' then 1 else -1 end * [ARInvoice_DocDisc]
State Total: {fixed [State]: sum(if [Type]='INV' then 1 else -1 end * [ARInvoice_DocBal])}
Tax: if [Type]='Invoice' then 1 else -1 end * [ARInvoice_TaxTotal]
Total Orig: if [Type]='Invoice' then 1 else -1 end * [ARInvoice_OrigDocAmt & ARPayment_OrigDocAmt]
CS Cash Flow
Extracts data from AP.APInvoice, AP.APPayment, AR.ARInvoice, AR.ARPayment and related tables to provide easy visibility to cash flow projection trends and details. Extraction also includes an auxiliar date table providing records for all days, this guarantees time analysis without gaps of days that have no transactions, and also enables user-entry adjusments to days with no AP or AR transactions.
Union of GIs:
- DSL_AP_OpenPayables
- DSL_AP_Payment
- DSL_AR_OpenPayables
- DSL_AR_Payment
z_DS_CalendarTable (auxiliary date table)
Data validation:
- See data validation for AP Aging and AR Aging.
Aging: if [Work Day: Today]-[Due Date ] <=0 then 'On Time' elseif [Work Day: Today]-[Due Date ]<=30 then '01-30 Days' elseif [Work Day: Today]-[Due Date ]<=60 then '31-60 Days' elseif [Work Day: Today]-[Due Date ]<=90 then '61-90 Days' else '90+ Days' end
Avg Trend Chart: if [Aging]='On Time' then if [Src]='-b' then 'Dashb Adj' else 'On time '+[Src] end else [Aging] end
Batch No: [APInvoice BatchNbr, ARInvoice_BatchNbr, APPayment_BatchNbr and 1 more]
Branch: [Branch BranchCD]
Cust Avg Days to Pay: if (int(RIGHT([Org ID],2))/2)<20 then 20 else int(RIGHT([Org ID],2))/3 end
Cust ID: if [Src]='AR' then [Org ID] END
Doc Date: DATE([APInvoice DocDate, ARInvoice_DocDate, ARPayment_DocDate and 1 more])
Doc Desc: [APInvoice DocDesc, ARInvoice_DocDesc, APPayment_DocDesc and 1 more]
Doc No: [DsDocNo, APInvoice RefNbr PK, APPayment_RefNbr_PK and 3 more]
Due Date: [APInvoice DueDate, DS_Date, ARInvoice_DueDate]
FYear: 'FY '+mid([APInvoice TranPeriodID, ARInvoice_TranPeriodID, APPayment_TranPeriodID and 1 more],3,4)
FPeriod: left([APInvoice TranPeriodID, ARInvoice_TranPeriodID, APPayment_TranPeriodID and 1 more],2)
FPeriod Y/M: mid([APInvoice TranPeriodID, ARInvoice_TranPeriodID, APPayment_TranPeriodID and 1 more],3,4)+'/'+left([APInvoice TranPeriodID, ARInvoice_TranPeriodID, APPayment_TranPeriodID and 1 more],2)
Hold?: [Hold, APInvoice Hold, APPayment_Hold and 3 more]=1
Open Doc?: [OpenDoc, APInvoice OpenDoc, APPayment_OpenDoc and 3 more]=1
Org: [Org ID]+' - '+[Org Name]
Org ID: [DS_CorpID, Vendor AcctCD, Customer_AcctCD]
Org Name: [DS_CorpName, Vendor AcctName, Customer_AcctName]
Pay Date orig: [APInvoice PayDate]
Released?: [Released, APInvoice Released, APPayment_Release and 3 more]=1
Src: if contains([Table Name],'AR_') then 'AR' else if contains([Table Name],'AP_') then 'AP' else '-b' END end
Status: [Status, APInvoice Status, APPayment_Status and 3 more]
Sub: [Sub SubCD]
URL Batch: [URL Acumatica] +'GL301000&Module='+[Src] + '&BatchNbr=' + [Batch No]
URL Org: [URL Acumatica] + if [Src]='AR' then 'AR303000&AcctCD=' else 'AP303000&AcctCD=' END+[Org ID]
URL Doc: [URL Acumatica] + if [Src]='AR' then (if contains([Table Name],'Open') then 'AR301000&DocType=' else 'AR302000&DocType=' end) else (if contains([Table Name],'Open') then 'AP301000&DocType=' else 'AP302000&DocType=' end) END+[Type] + '&RefNbr=' + [Doc No]
Terms: [APInvoice TermsID & ARInvoice_TermsID]
Work Day: Today: case datepart('weekday',today()) when 1 then TODAY()-2 when 7 then TODAY()-1 else today() END
Type: [APInvoice DocType PK, ARInvoice_DocType_PK, APPayment_DocType_PK and 1 more]
Voided?: [APInvoice Voided, APPayment_Voided, ARInvoice_Voided and 2 more]=1
Accrued: RUNNING_SUM(SUM(if [RolledDate]>=today() then [Balance] end))
Balance: if [Doc No]<>'-b' then [Balance orig] elseif [RolledDate]=today() and [Aging Trend Chart]<>'01-30 Days' then [Cash Today] elseif [RolledDate]=[Cash Date #1] and [Aging Trend Chart]<>'01-30 Days' then [Cash Amt #1] elseif [RolledDate]=[Cash Date #2] and [Aging Trend Chart]<>'01-30 Days' then [Cash Amt #2] elseif [RolledDate]=[Cash Date #3] and [Aging Trend Chart]<>'01-30 Days' then [Cash Amt #3] elseif [RolledDate]=[Cash Date #4] and [Aging Trend Chart]<>'01-30 Days' then [Cash Amt #4] end
Balance orig: case right([Table Name],10) when 'AP_Payment' then if [Type]='ADR' then 0 elseif [Type]='PPM' then [APPayment_DocBal] else -[APPayment_DocBal] end when 'enPayables' then if [Type]='ADR' or [Type]='PPM' then [APInvoice DocBal] else -[APInvoice DocBal] end when 'AR_Payment' then if [Type]='CRM' then 0 else -[ARPayment_DocBal] end when 'eceivables' then if [Type]='CRM' then -[ARInvoice_DocBal, TodayZeroRec, DS_0Amt] else [ARInvoice_DocBal, TodayZeroRec, DS_0Amt] end end
LOC Color: if [Accrued]>=-[Line of Credit] then 'Above' else 'Below' end
LOC Value: -[Line of Credit]
Net Daily Bal: {fixed [RolledDate]:SUM([Balance])}
SA Sales
Extracts data to provide easy visibility to sales and revenues trends and details. Lite’s basic version only pulls records from the past 26 calendar months. Please contact Acumatica or DataSelf to upgrade your version to include more historical transactions.
The extraction process works with one of the following approaches:
- When invoice line details are posted to GLTran:
- Extraction from GL.GLTran and related tables.
- GI: DSL_SA_Sales
- When NO invoice line details are posted to GLTran:
- Extraction from a union of GL.GLTran and AR.ARTran and related tables.
- GI Union:
- DSL_SA_Sales_AR
- DSL_SA_Sales_GL
Data validation:
- Compare report from URL to Acumatica’s P&L. Watch video for tips.
- Popular adustments to match report with Acumatica:
- Use filters on URL if needed. If applying filters is required, adjust the feeding GIs conditions with the same filters applied to this URL to guarantee that only the proper sales data flows into DataSelf Lite.
Branch: [Branch_BranchCD]
Cust Class: if [Source]='IN' then [BAccountIN_ClassID] else [BAccountR_ClassID] END
Cust ID: if [Source]='IN' then [BAccountIN_AcctCD] else [BAccountR_AcctCD] END
Cust Location: [Location_LocationCD]
Cust Name: [Customer_AcctName]
Customer: [Cust ID]+' - '+[Cust Name]
Doc Date: DATE([GLTran_TranDate])
Doc No: case [Source] when 'GL' then [Batch No] when 'IN' then [ARInvoiceIN_RefNbr] else [GLTran_RefNbr] end
Doc Status: [ARInvoice_Status]
Doc Type: [GLTran_TranType_PK]
Due Date: DATE([ARInvoice_DueDate])
FYear: 'FY '+mid([GLTran_FinPeriodID],3,4)
FPeriod: left([GLTran_FinPeriodID],2)
FPeriod Y/M: mid([GLTran_FinPeriodID],3,4)+'/'+left([GLTran_FinPeriodID],2)
FYear No: int(right([GLTran_FinPeriodID],4))
FPeriod No: int(left([GLTran_FinPeriodID],2))
FPeriod MMM: case left([GLTran_FinPeriodID],2) when '01' then 'Jan' when '02' then 'Feb' when '03' then 'Mar' when '04' then 'Apr' when '05' then 'May' when '06' then 'Jun' when '07' then 'Jul' when '08' then 'Aug' when '09' then 'Sep' when '10' then 'Oct' when '11' then 'Nov' when '12' then 'Dec' end
Country: [Address_CountryID]
State: [Address_State]
City: [Address_City]
GL Type: [Account_Type]
GL Acct: [Account_AccountCD]+' - '+[Account_Description]
GL Acct ID: [Account_AccountCD]
GL Class: [Account_AccountClassID]
Batch No: [GLTran_BatchNbr_PK]
Intercompany?: [GLTran_IsInterCompany]=1
Item Class: [INItemClass_ItemClassCD]
Line Desc: [GLTran_TranDesc]
Line Type: case if ISNULL([ARTran_LineType]) then [ARTranIN_LineType] else [ARTran_LineType] end when 'FR' then 'FR Freight' when 'GI' then 'GI Inventory' when 'GN' then 'GN Misc' end
Prod Desc: [InventoryItem_Descr]
Prod ID: [InventoryItem_InventoryCD]
Product: [Prod ID]+' - '+[Prod Desc]
Salesperson: if [Source]='IN' then [SalesPersonIN_Descr] else [SalesPerson_Descr] END
SO No: if [Source]='IN' then [ARTranIN_SOOrderNbr] else [ARTran_SOOrderNbr] END
Source: [GLTran_Module]
Stock Item?: [InventoryItem_StkItem]=1
Subacct: [Sub_SubCD]+' - '+[Sub_Description]
Subacct Desc: [Sub_Description]
Subacct ID: [Sub_SubCD]
URL Cust: [URL Acumatica]+'AR303000&AcctCD='+[Cust ID]
URL Doc: [URL Acumatica]+
case [Source] when 'AP' then if [Doc Type]='CHK' or [Doc Type]='REF' or [Doc Type]='VCK' then 'AP302000' elseif [Doc Type]='VQC' or [Doc Type]='QCK' then 'AP304000' else 'AP301000' end +'&DocType='+[Doc Type]+'&RefNbr=' when 'CA' then 'CA304000&AdjRefNbr=' when 'GL' then 'GL301000&Module=GL&BatchNbr=' when 'DR' then 'DR201500&ScheduleNbr=' when 'IN' then 'AR301000&DocType='+[Doc Type]+'&RefNbr=' else [Source]+'301000&DocType='+[Doc Type]+'&RefNbr=' end +[Doc No]
URL Prod: [URL Acumatica]+ if [Stock Item?] then 'IN202500' else 'IN202000' end + '&InventoryCD='+[Prod ID]
Terms: if [Source]='IN' then [ARInvoiceIN_TermsID] else [ARInvoice_TermsID] end
Work Day: Today: case datepart('weekday',today()) when 1 then TODAY()-2 when 7 then TODAY()-1 else today() END
Whse: if [Source]='IN' then [INSiteIN_SiteCD] else [INSite_SiteCD] END
Commission: [ARTran_CommnAmt]
Cost Of Sales: if [GL Acct Type]='Expense' then -[GLTran_CreditAmt]+[GLTran_DebitAmt] END
Cust Count: countd([Cust ID])
Discount: if [Source]='IN' then [ARTranIN_DiscAmt] else [ARTran_DiscAmt] end
Doc Count: countd([Doc No])
GP: zn([Sales])-zn([Cost Of Sales])
GP %: iif(sum(zn([Sales])) = 0,null,sum([GP])/sum(zn([Sales])))
Prod Count: countd([Prod ID])
Qty Sold: [GLTran_Qty]* if left([Doc Type],1)='C' then -1 else 1 end
Sales: if [GL Acct Type]='Income' then [GLTran_CreditAmt]-[GLTran_DebitAmt] END
SO Sales Order
Extracts data from SO.SOOrder and related tables to provide easy visibility to Open Sales Order trends and details.
GI: DSL_SO_SalesOrder
Data validation:
- Compare report from URL to Acumatica’s ???. Watch video for tips.
- Popular adustments to match report with Acumatica:
- Use filters on URL if needed. (visit xxx to save changes permanently).
Aging: if [Request Date]=[Due Date] then 'Today' elseif [Request Date]=[Due Date]-1 then '1 Day Late' elseif [Request Date]>=[Due Date]+1 then 'Future' elseif [Request Date]>=[Due Date]-7 then '2-7 Days Late' else '8+ Days Late' end
Back Ordered?: [SOOrder BackOrdered]=1
Branch: [Branch BranchCD]
Cust Class: [Customer CustomerClassID]
Cust ID: [Customer AcctCD]
Cust Name: [Customer AcctName]
Cust Order No: [SOOrder CustomOrderNbr]
Customer: [Cust ID]+' - '+[Cust Name]
Due Date: DATE([SOOrder DueDate])
Order Date: DATE([SOOrder OrderDate])
Request Date: DATE([SOOrder RequestDate])
FYear: 'FY '+mid([SOOrder FinPeriodID],3,4)
FPeriod: left([SOOrder FinPeriodID],2)
FPeriod Y/M: mid([SOOrder FinPeriodID],3,4)+'/'+left([SOOrder FinPeriodID],2)
FYear No: int(right([SOOrder FinPeriodID],4))
FPeriod No: int([FPeriod])
Country: [Address_CountryID]
State: [Address_State]
City: [Address_City]
Hold?: [SOOrder Hold]=1
Item Class: [INItemClass_ItemClassCD]
Line Completed?: [SOLine Completed]=1
Line Desc: [SOLine TranDesc]
Line No: [SOLine_LineNbr_PK]
Line Type: [SOLine LineType]
Location Desc: [Location Descr]
Location ID: [Location LocationCD]
Order No: [SOOrder_OrderNbr_PK]
Order Status: [SOOrder Status]
Order Type: case [SOOrder_OrderType_PK] when 'CM' then 'CM Credit Memo' when 'IN' then 'IN Invoice' when 'PS' then 'PS Project Sale' when 'QT' then 'QT Quote' when 'RC' then 'RC Return for Credit' when 'RM' then 'RM RMA Order' when 'RR' then 'RR Ret with Replacement' when 'SO' then 'SO Sales Order' when 'SP' then 'SP DRS' when 'TR' then 'TR Transfer' when 'VO' then 'VO Valo' end
Order Type ID: [SOOrder_OrderType_PK]
Priority: [SOOrder Priority]
Prod Desc: [InventoryItem Descr]
Prod ID: [InventoryItem InventoryCD]
Product: [Prod ID]+' - '+[Prod Desc]
Salesperson: [SalesPerson Descr]
Ship Date: DATE([SOLine ShipDate])
Stock Item?: [SOLine IsStockItem]=1
URL Cust: rtrim([URL Acumatica])+'AR303000&AcctCD='+[Cust ID]
URL Doc: rtrim([URL Acumatica])+ 'SO301000&OrderType='+[Order Type ID]+'&OrderNbr=' + [Order No]
URL Prod: rtrim([URL Acumatica])+if [Stock Item?] then 'IN202500' else 'IN202000' end + '&InventoryCD='+[Prod ID]
Work Day: Today: case datepart('weekday',today()) when 1 then TODAY()-2 when 7 then TODAY()-1 else today() END
Whse: [Site SiteCD]
Booked Amt: if [Order Type ID]='SO' then [SOLine ExtPrice]
elseif [Order Type ID]='CM' or [Order Type ID]='RC' or [Order Type ID]='RM' or [Order Type ID]='RR' then -[SOLine ExtPrice] end
Booked Cost: if [Order Type ID]='SO' then [SOLine ExtCost] elseif [Order Type ID]='CM' or [Order Type ID]='RC' or [Order Type ID]='RM' or [Order Type ID]='RR' then -[SOLine ExtCost] end
Booked Qty: if [Order Type ID]='SO' then [SOLine OrderQty] elseif [Order Type ID]='CM' or [Order Type ID]='RC' or [Order Type ID]='RM' or [Order Type ID]='RR' then -[SOLine OrderQty] end
Disc Amt: if [Order Type ID]='SO' then [SOLine_DiscAmt] elseif [Order Type ID]='CM' or [Order Type ID]='RC' or [Order Type ID]='RM' or [Order Type ID]='RR' then -[SOLine_DiscAmt] end
Open Amt: if [Order Type ID]='SO' or [Order Type ID]='SA' then [SOLine OpenAmt] elseif [Order Type ID]='CM' or [Order Type ID]='RC' or [Order Type ID]='RM' or [Order Type ID]='RR' then -[SOLine OpenAmt] end
Open Qty: if [Order Type ID]='SO' or [Order Type ID]='SA' then [SOLine OpenQty] elseif [Order Type ID]='CM' or [Order Type ID]='RC' or [Order Type ID]='RM' or [Order Type ID]='RR' then - [SOLine OpenQty] END
Order Count: countd([SOOrder_OrderNbr_PK])
Quote Amt: if [Order Type ID]='QT' then [SOLine ExtPrice] end
Quote Cost: if [Order Type ID]='QT' then [SOLine ExtCost] end
Quote Qty: if [Order Type ID]='QT' then [SOLine OrderQty]end
Sold Amt: if [Order Type ID]='SO' or [Order Type ID]='CM' or [Order Type ID]='RC' or [Order Type ID]='RM' or [Order Type ID]='RR' then [Sold Qty]*[SOLine UnitPrice] END
Sold Qty: if [Order Type ID]='SO' then [SOLine ShippedQty] elseif [Order Type ID]='CM' or [Order Type ID]='RC' or [Order Type ID]='RM' or [Order Type ID]='RR' then -[SOLine ShippedQty] END
Unit Price: [SOLine UnitPrice]
Unit Cost: [SOLine UnitCost]
Keywords: SQL, T-SQL
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