Connecting and Data Extraction from a Cloud MS SQL Server
Here are recommendations to securely connect and/or extract data from cloud SQL Server databases:
Option 1: Secured IP-to-IP
From the computer to connect to the cloud MS SQL:
Find out your public (fixed) IP address. Ex.:
Provide your public IP address to the cloud MS SQL provider.
You’ll need from the cloud SQL Server provider:
A SQL user with reading rights from the desired SQL database.
The SQL’s URL or IP (including the SQL port) on the internet. Ex:,1433.
The SQL Provider must whitelist your public IP address.
The SQL instance should use an SSL certificate to encrypt communications.
With the above done, connect to the cloud SQL with the following in the extraction tool:
Server Name: URL or IP. Ex.:,1433
Authentication: SQL Server Authentication. Enter username and password.
Database: Enter the database name. In SSMS, this parameter is behind the Options button.
Option 2: VPN
Discuss VPN arrangements with your cloud MS SQL provider.