DataSelf Analytics - Deployment Steps
The following is a summary of the main steps involved in deploying DataSelf Analytics:
Order: The client places the order and pays for the software subscription (SaaS) and consulting services fees to their DataSelf seller.
Kickoff meeting: The meeting takes place soon after paperwork and payments are processed by the parties. It covers an overview of the order (SOW), schedule, roles, and next steps. Recommended stakeholders from the client (and VAR if applicable): business sponsor, project manager, IT lead, main source system (ERP/CRM) tech lead. Allocation: 1 hour/attendee.
Deployment of DataSelf Analytics software components: A DataSelf BI Infrastructure Certified Consultant works with the client’s IT to connect DataSelf ETL+ to the source system(s), executes a data load test, schedules the ETL+ automatic data extraction, and sets up security access to a few users. This usually happens within a week from the kickoff meeting. Allocation: one to a few hours of work from the client’s IT resources.
Monitor the Go Live: At this point, the system should be fully live and automatically extracting new data into the reporting system. Status logs are emailed to the selected recipients whenever data extractions execute (though they can later be set to only send on errors). Occasionally, error logs may uncover firewall or other security issues, scheduling conflicts, etc., that need additional resolution. Allocation: zero to a few hours of support from the client’s IT people.
Customizations: If customizations are required before QA, please check the tasks and schedule. Allocation: to be determined.
Quality Assurance (QA): A DataSelf BI Certified Consultant trains the client’s business analyst(s) on how to run DataSelf QA reports. The business analyst(s) compares DataSelf QA reports against reports from the source system(s). DataSelf reports should match to the penny with your source system’s reports. Allocation: For every reporting area (for instance, AR Aging Today), it should take a couple of hours of work for the business analyst to match the numbers (or report the discrepancies). If this process takes longer, we recommend contacting your DataSelf Consultant to discuss why it’s taking so long.
Customizations: If customizations are required after QA, please check the tasks and schedule. Allocation: to be determined.
User security: A DataSelf BI Certified Consultant will discuss your user security needs and implement/assist in setting up the system as described in your order (SOW). Allocation: one to a few hours from the client’s IT people.
User Training and Onboarding: Please check the training included in your order (SOW). Allocation: All orders include training seats in DataSelf’s generic monthly web-based, instructor-led classes: White Belt (2 hours for Viewer users), and Orange Belt (10 hours for Explorer users). Some orders also include dedicated training classes.