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DataSelf API Glossary


In software terminology, an 'endpoint'

  1. typically refers to a specific URL (Uniform Resource Locator) or URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) that is used to access a service provided over the web.

  2. It can also refer to a specific location where communications are initiated or terminated in a network or software system.

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Extract Endpoint

In the context of software development, particularly in the realm of data integration and APIs, an "extract endpoint" refers to a specific URL or API endpoint designed to retrieve data from a source system. –

Here's a breakdown of what an "extract endpoint" typically entails:

  1. Data Extraction: The primary purpose of an extract endpoint is to extract or retrieve data from a specified source. This source could be a database, a file system, another application, or any data repository that exposes an API for data retrieval.

  2. API Interface: Like any other API endpoint, an extract endpoint provides a defined interface (usually a URL with specific parameters) that allows external systems or applications to request data.

  3. Parameters and Filters: Extract endpoints often support parameters and filters that allow the requester to specify criteria for the data they want to extract. This can include date ranges, specific IDs, or other conditions that narrow down the scope of the data extraction.

  4. Data Format: The endpoint specifies how the extracted data will be formatted when returned. Common formats include JSON, XML, CSV, or others depending on the API design and standards.

  5. Authentication and Authorization: Extract endpoints typically require authentication to ensure that only authorized users or systems can access sensitive data. This is often achieved through API keys, OAuth tokens, or other authentication mechanisms.

  6. Usage in ETL Processes: In the context of Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) processes, the extract endpoint plays a crucial role in the "extract" phase, where data is fetched from source systems before being transformed and loaded into a target destination.

In summary, an "extract endpoint" in software development is a specific API endpoint used to retrieve data from a source system, providing a structured and secure way for applications to access and integrate external data into their workflows or processes. – . –

API Endpoint

An API endpoint is a specific point of interaction between an API (Application Programming Interface) and a server. It is typically defined as a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) where an API service can be accessed by sending HTTP requests to the server. Here are the key characteristics and components of an API endpoint:

  1. URL: An API endpoint is identified by a URL that specifies the location and the resource or service being accessed. For example, could be an endpoint to retrieve a list of users.

  2. HTTP Methods: API endpoints support different HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc., which define the type of operation to be performed on the resource. For instance:

    • GET /users retrieves a list of users.

    • POST /users creates a new user.

    • PUT /users/{id} updates an existing user.

    • DELETE /users/{id} deletes a user.

  3. Parameters: Endpoints may accept parameters in the URL query string or request body to modify the behavior of the request, such as filtering, sorting, or pagination. For example, GET /users?role=admin might retrieve users with the role of "admin".

  4. Headers: API endpoints often require specific headers for authentication, content type negotiation, caching directives, etc.

  5. Response Format: Each API endpoint returns data in a specific format, commonly JSON or XML, although other formats like CSV or HTML might also be used depending on the API design.

  6. Authentication and Authorization: Endpoints may require authentication (e.g., API keys, OAuth tokens) to access protected resources and enforce authorization rules to control which users or systems can perform specific actions.

  7. Documentation: API endpoints are typically documented to provide developers with information on how to use them, including the URL, supported methods, parameters, expected responses, and any other relevant details.

API endpoints are fundamental to modern web development and integration, enabling systems to interact with each other in a structured and standardized manner over the internet. They define the contract through which clients (such as web applications, mobile apps, or other services) can access and manipulate data or perform actions provided by the API provider. –

Data Service / Backend Service

In software, the service that provides data for an API endpoint is commonly referred to as a "backend" or "server-side" component. This backend service is responsible for handling requests made to the API endpoint and returning the appropriate data or responses. It can involve various technologies and architectures, such as RESTful services, SOAP services, or even microservices, depending on the complexity and requirements of the application.

Here's a breakdown of the key concepts related to your question:

  • API Endpoint: An API endpoint is the specific URL where an API can be accessed. When a client application makes a request to an API, it targets a specific endpoint. The endpoint then communicates with the backend service to fulfill the request 4.

  • Backend Service: This is the server-side component that processes requests from API endpoints. It interacts with databases, performs calculations, and generates responses based on the logic defined within the service. Backend services can be implemented using various programming languages and frameworks, depending on the project's needs 4

  • Data Retrieval and Processing: The backend service plays a crucial role in retrieving data from databases, performing necessary computations, and formatting the data before sending it back to the client through the API endpoint. This process ensures that the client receives the requested information in a usable format 4.

  • Integration with Databases: Backend services often interact with databases to store, retrieve, and manipulate data. This interaction is essential for maintaining the integrity and consistency of the data being served through the API 4.

  • Security and Authentication: Backend services also handle security aspects, such as authenticating requests and ensuring that only authorized users can access certain data or functionalities. This is crucial for protecting sensitive information and maintaining the overall security of the application 4.

In summary, the service that provides data for an API endpoint is known as the backend or server-side component. It encompasses a wide range of responsibilities, from data retrieval and processing to security and authentication, playing a vital role in the functioning of modern web applications.


In software architecture, a service that provides data for an API endpoint is often referred to simply as a "service" or more specifically as a "data service". Here's a breakdown of what this means:

  1. Data Service: This term broadly describes a component or module within a software system that is responsible for managing and providing access to data. A data service typically encapsulates the logic and operations needed to fetch, manipulate, and return data in response to requests from clients (which could be other services, applications, or users).

  2. API Endpoint Provider: Specifically, when we refer to a service that provides data for an API endpoint, it means that this service exposes one or more endpoints through which clients can interact to retrieve specific data or perform operations related to that data. This could include CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations or more complex queries and transformations.

  3. Examples:

    • In a microservices architecture, each microservice may expose its own set of API endpoints to provide access to specific data or functionality.

    • In a monolithic application with a RESTful API layer, different modules or components may expose endpoints that are handled by a centralized service layer responsible for data management.

  4. Functionality: The data service handles tasks such as data validation, querying databases or other data sources, applying business rules, and formatting the data appropriately before sending responses back to the client.

  5. Integration: These services often integrate with databases, external APIs, or other sources of data to aggregate and serve the required information efficiently.

In summary, the term "data service" or simply "service" in the context of APIs refers to the backend component responsible for providing data and functionality through API endpoints, enabling external clients to interact with the software system in a controlled and structured manner.

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APIs are mechanisms that enable two software components to communicate with each other using a set of definitions and protocols. For example, the weather bureau’s software system contains daily weather data. The weather app on your phone “talks” to this system via APIs and shows you daily weather updates on your phone.

API stands for Application Programming Interface. In the context of APIs, the word Application refers to any software with a distinct function. Interface can be thought of as a contract of service between two applications. This contract defines how the two communicate with each other using requests and responses. Their API documentation contains information on how developers are to structure those requests and responses.
How do APIs work?

API architecture is usually explained in terms of client and server. The application sending the request is called the client, and the application sending the response is called the server. So in the weather example, the bureau’s weather database is the server, and the mobile app is the client.

AWS describes 4 different ways APIs can work: SOAP APIs, RCP APIs, Websocket APIs and REST APIs.

Microsoft’s Excel for the Web

Excel for the Web is a version of Microsoft Excel. There are distinct differences between the products.

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