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Embedding DataSelf's Tableau in Sage 100 Desktop

In Sage 100 display the Web Content menu and right click to show the Edit Web Content sub-menu and click on New.

Insert the URL: Note that this is a private HTTPS site. You must start at the login page before going to other DataSelf pages.

If you click on the Open in New Window checkbox, this will open DataSelf in a separate browser window.
If you don’t click on the Open in New Window checkbox, DataSelf opens as a new tab within Sage 100.

Once you are logged in, you can either navigate to your desired view from the DataSelf menu, or you can create another Sage 100 web link pointing directly to the desired view. The URL is found in DataSelf View Share menu. Important: If you don’t see the word "embed" in the URL above, add "&:embed=yes" at the end of it.

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