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Introduction / Overview

Business Challenges

Business concerns and challenges resolved by DataSelf Analytics:

  • Getting insightful, timely and easy access to data.

  • Difficulty maintaining BI tools.  

  • BI solutions that over promise, under deliver, and are costly to maintain.

  • Time and effort required to map a business system database to a data warehouse.

  • Time and effort required to create a working set of well designed reports and dashboards.

How DataSelf Analytics Delivers

Since 2005, DataSelf data-geeks have been constantly working on powerful yet easier ways to empower decision makers.

Analytics by DataSelf can be deployed in minutes by filling out a simple web-form. Upon submitting the form, in little time users will securely and easily access their data.

It's that simple!

Advanced Analytics by DataSelf is powered by MS SQL cloud data warehousing and Tableau.  A Power BI option in the works.  This platform provides clients with peace of mind that this solution works seamless and takes advantage of the most intuitive and successful analytics technologies available in the planet.

What Advanced Analytics by DataSelf Delivers

Advanced Analytics by DataSelf for Acumatica

  • DataSelf GI(s) for simple OData extraction from Acumatica. Users can easily customize their GIs, and such changes will easily populate the Advanced Analytics by DataSelf's user interface.

  • A seamless, non-intrusive, and fast extraction process that automatically pulls data from DataSelf GIs and connects it to Advanced Analytics by DataSelf's user interface. The first extraction pulls all the GI(s) data - it only pulls a few hundred records at a time to cause minimal impact in Acumatica (the initial load might take hours to complete). Subsequent data refreshes only pull new and modified records. The subsequent refreshes dramatically reduce the data refresh time (from potential hours to seconds or minutes), and dramatically reduce the performance impact in Acumatica (low impact for seconds). 

  • A secured, fast and easy-to-use cloud analytics portal powered by Tableau (Power BI in the near future). That translates into the most empowering tool for changing and creating new reports and dashboards, and performing data discovery. 

  • Canned reports and dashboard templates providing over a million easy ways to analyze and slice-and-dice the client's data.

  • Report and dashboard customization:  Advanced Analytics by DataSelf leverages the ease-of-use of Tableau, so users and consultants can quickly learn how to customize their reports and dashboards. Tableau and DataSelf provide dozens of hours of free online training videos. Please consult us for instructor-lead classes. 

  • Data extraction customization: One just needs to customize their DataSelf GI as needed (such as adding new objects and fields), submit a re-map request (self-service feature under construction), and GI changes will automatically flow into Adv Analytics by DataSelf. 

Advanced Analytics by DataSelf for Sage 100

  • A simple and and fast extraction process that automatically pulls data from Sage 100 (Providex or MS SQL Server) and uploads it into Advanced Analytics by DataSelf's user interface. A small foot-print data extraction tool needs to be installed on a computer on the same network where Sage 100 is. System requirements: 1 CPU core, 2GB of RAM, 15GB of free disk space, Win Server 2012 R2/2016 or Win 10, SSMS, fixed IP address.

  • A secured, fast and easy-to-use cloud analytics portal powered by Tableau (Power BI in the near future). That translates into the most empowering tool for changing and creating new reports and dashboards, and performing data discovery. 

  • Out-of-the-box ('canned') reports and dashboard templates providing over a million easy ways to analyze and slice-and-dice the client's data.

  • Report and dashboard customization:  Advanced Analytics by DataSelf leverages the ease-of-use of Tableau, so users and consultants can quickly learn how to customize their reports and dashboards. Tableau and DataSelf provide dozens of hours of free online training videos. Please consult us for instructor-lead classes. 

  • Data extraction customization: One just needs to customize their DataSelf extraction process (such as adding new fields to pre-mapped tables), and those changes will automatically flow into Advanced Analytics by DataSelf. Please consult us for training in how to use the extraction tool. 

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