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NetSuite License Choices

🛠️ Choice of NetSuite licenses required for DataSelf – Suite Connect,, (custom), or a integration user. Draft. 6/9/2023

DataSelf ETL+ extracts data from NetSuite using ODBC data access technology from NetSuite. This ODBC software requires a license from NetSuite. There are two ways to obtain this license from NetSuite.

The NetSuite client does not need to purchase another ODBC license for DataSelf if the client already has an integration license that is being shared by other applications. DataSelf can share the integration license. DataSelf will supply its own Role to be added to this shared license.”

ODBC (Suite Connect) and NetSuite Integration Licenses

The ODBC license (called Suite Connect) and the integration user are two separate things. DataSelf ETL+ can share an already existing ODBC license and/or an integration user license.

Netsuite has integrations for web services, API, and others included at no additional license fees. So a client may have integrations in place but not own the ODBC product.  ODBC is a separate license with its own fees. The integration user license is just a login for a full access user. 

Is Suite Connect specifically just the name of the license or the ODBC software?

Does a Integration user license also include a Suite Connect license?

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