Windows Task Scheduler (WTS): Troubleshooting
WTS Task Creation
When facing errors while creating WTS tasks via DataSelf ETL+ or ETL+ Agent:
Must open ETL+ by right-clicking on ETL+ on Win Explorer -> Run as administrator -> confirm User access control prompt.
The configured user credentials must have local Win Administrator rights.
Verify credentials spelling.
Passwords with single or double quotes might cause failures in this script. Remove them from the password.
Verify username syntax, ex: domain\name, or, or name.
Look at the ETL+ Web Log and test the script via the command line - this might give you more details about the error.
Have ETL+ installed on the local hard drive (not on a folder from another computer), nor on a folder managed by apps such as OneDrive or GoogleDrive, and DropBox.
Create the WTS task manually - see ETL+ log for parameters.
Check with your IT, this is likely a simple security issue.
WTS Tasks Not Running as Expected
In most cases, the default WTS settings work as expected. However, WTS has a large number of parameters that depend on your Windows security configuration. WTS tasks might fail to run when parameters aren’t 100% fine-tuned. We recommend searching for online documentation to evaluate your WTS configuration.
Enable WTS History recording to monitor error messages:
Open an elevated Task Scheduler (ie. right-click on the Task Scheduler icon and choose Run as administrator).
In the Actions pane, click Enable All Tasks History.
Be sure WTS tasks has the following parameters:
The top panel shows the task
(see right panel to enable/disable tasks).General tab:
User account must have local Win Admin rights.
Run whether user is logged on or not
is selected.Run with highest privileges
is selected.
Triggers tab: Be sure the trigger is properly configured and
.Actions tab: Be sure it has the correct information.