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Windows Task Scheduler (WTS): Troubleshooting

WTS Task Creation

When facing errors while creating WTS tasks via DataSelf ETL+ or ETL+ Agent:

  • Must open ETL+ by right-clicking on ETL+ on Win Explorer -> Run as administrator -> confirm User access control prompt.

  • The configured user credentials must have local Win Administrator rights.

  • Verify credentials spelling.

  • Passwords with single or double quotes might cause failures in this script. Remove them from the password.

  • Verify username syntax, ex: domain\name, or, or name.

  • Look at the ETL+ Web Log and test the script via the command line - this might give you more details about the error.

  • Have ETL+ installed on the local hard drive (not on a folder from another computer), nor on a folder managed by apps such as OneDrive or GoogleDrive, and DropBox.

  • Create the WTS task manually - see ETL+ log for parameters.

  • Check with your IT, this is likely a simple security issue.

WTS Tasks Not Running as Expected

  • In most cases, the default WTS settings work as expected. However, WTS has a large number of parameters that depend on your Windows security configuration. WTS tasks might fail to run when parameters aren’t 100% fine-tuned. We recommend searching for online documentation to evaluate your WTS configuration.

  • Enable WTS History recording to monitor error messages:

    • Open an elevated Task Scheduler (ie. right-click on the Task Scheduler icon and choose Run as administrator).

    • In the Actions pane, click Enable All Tasks History.

  • Be sure WTS tasks has the following parameters:

    • The top panel shows the task Enabled (see right panel to enable/disable tasks).

    • General tab:

      • User account must have local Win Admin rights.

      • Run whether user is logged on or not is selected.

      • Run with highest privileges is selected.

    • Triggers tab: Be sure the trigger is properly configured and Enabled.

    • Actions tab: Be sure it has the correct information.

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