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Cash Flow Projection Questions

DataSelf has a template with examples of what might work for each section, but will most likely not work without customizations for each client.

Cash On Hand

The template has examples that look for General Ledger accounts that are either an Asset type and have key words in the description like “Checking” or are part of an account class called “CASHASSET”. 

  • How are your Cash accounts designated, to allow deriving your cash on hand?


The template has an example of pulling Payroll postings from the General Ledger for a specific timeframe and shifting that into the future. Payroll could also come from an HR/TimeKeeping/Payroll software.

  • We are set up to use the last 90 days, but sometimes companies pay every two weeks and that results in periodic third paychecks in a period.  For those customers, they sometimes prefer 180 days to pick up that periodicity.  For other customers, they have a yearly cycle that has special events at certain times in the year and thus prefer a full year of history projected into the future.  Which scenario best fits your company?

  • For the accounts to pull in, we look for Expense type and the account name has “Wages”, “Salaries”, or “Payroll” as part of the description.  Will that capture all of your Payroll expense or are there other names or specific accounts that need to be added?

Accounts Payable

For accounts payables we use the Due Date for when the expense should come out. Some companies want that date shifted forward or backward a few days because of internal policies. 

  • Will Due Date work for your company or does it need to be adjusted?

Accounts Receivable

For Accounts Receivables we use the Due Date for when the invoice should be paid.
Some companies want that date shifted forward or backward because their customers tend to pay earlier for a discount or later because internal processing of payments takes a few days. 

  • Will Due Date work for your company or does it need to be adjusted?

Additional Information

Open Sales Orders (Optional)

Open Sales Orders from the Sales Order module that have shipped, but you haven’t invoiced yet or some other set of criteria.

  • For this option, what criteria does the company want to use and where can it be found?

Open Purchase Orders (Optional)

Open Purchase Orders from the Purchase Order module that you have written, but for which you haven’t been invoiced yet or some other set of criteria.

  • For this option, what criteria does the company want to use and where can it be found?

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