Data Warehouse Defined
A data warehouse is a centralized data store for structured business data used to generate reports and conduct analysis. Data warehouse modeling is the process of designing and structuring data within a data warehouse to support effective business intelligence, decision-making, and complex queries.
Data warehouse/ETL tools collect, clean and re-organize large amounts of data from different sources for analysis and business insight. Data warehouse software plays a critical role in managing today’s data analytics process in businesses. Data warehouses provide several important data processing services that are needed for reporting, data analysis and BI including making data more understandable for non-technical users (data modeling), pre-calculating common fields, combining data from many sources and keeping historical data.
The data in data warehouses is almost always re-structured and fields re-named in order to:
Make finding and understanding data for reporting easier. This includes re-naming fields with more commonly understood names and re-structuring data.
Data modeling & transformation. Re-structures data specifically for analytical queries rather than transaction processing. This design allows for faster data retrieval, which is crucial for complex BI reports and dashboards.
Pre-calculate values to support a single-version-of-the-truth and for efficiency.
Historical Data Storage. Retains and compiles so-called historical data that might otherwise be lost or hard to retrieve.
Combines Data from Multiple Sources. Compiles and combines data from several sources into one place.
Optimizes Data for Query Performance. The cumulative result of data modeling, pre-calculation, and the combining of data in one place.
Data Quality and Consistency. The ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes and a data warehouse that is separate from the source databases allows data to be cleaned, standardized, and transformed into a consistent format.
Why Not Use Tableau, Power BI’s Data Models or other Tools?
Tableau’s data sources and Power BI’s semantic data models do provide some of the services provided by data warehouses with their proprietary data storage formats. The limitations of these formats include:
Restricted data access. Data in data warehouses is much more accessible by the entire organization because it can be read using standard query tools such as SQL.
Single version of the truth. Formulas and calculations performed by proprietary reporting/BI tools are only available from those tools.
Limited Data Services. Some capabilities especially storing data history, storing cleaned data after data cleaning aren’t supported.
Data Warehouse Models
There are various techniques and methods for transforming and structuring data warehouses in a way that makes it easy for users to query and analyze. This approach focuses on creating data models that are intuitive, user-friendly, and optimized for reporting and analytical purposes. DataSelf employs a Dimensions, Facts, Time Series (DFT) model.
Common Data modeling schemes using in Data Warehousing include:
Star Schema
Snowflake Schema
Galaxy Schema (or Fact Constellation Schema)
Dimensional Modeling
OLAP Cube Model
DFT Data Modeling (D = Dimensions, F = Facts, T = Time Series) --
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DFT Data Model – the Dimension, Fact table, Time data model used by DataSelf.
ETL+ Time Series Tables in zData Warehouse – data warehouse tables which support the Time dimension of the DFT data model.