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DataSelf Analytics for Quickbooks

The following is a summary of the BI, report, and dashboard templates available for:

  • Quickbooks Desktop

  • Quickbooks Enterprise

  • Quickbooks Online

Please contact DataSelf to discuss how these templates and information could apply to your specific business and needs.

Data Warehouse Templates

The data warehouse templates include DataSelf ETL+ and MS SQL Server preconfigured mappings for tables popular for reporting and data analysis. Customizing your data warehouse solution is easy. Adjustments and customizations can help tailor the solution to your needs and maximize the templates' value. Click here to learn more about data warehouse templates for Quickbooks (WIP).

Tableau Templates

These templates include Tableau data sources, workbooks, and Tableau Server preconfigured mappings. They work in conjunction with the data warehouse templates.

Click here to download a list of the Tableau templates.




Pre-configured reports & dashboards



AR Aging Today

GL Transactions *

GL Financials (P&L, B/S, Trial Balance) *

Recurring Transactions

Sales Invoice

Non * marked templates should provide value right-of-the-box. Adjustments and customizations might be needed to maximize their value.
* These templates usually require adjustments and customizations before providing value.
** Add-ons might require other applications. Ex.: Salesforce, or HubSpot.
Please check out your SOW (scope of work) for specific templates included.

Power BI Templates (data sets and workbooks)

These templates include Power BI data sources and workbooks. They work in conjunction with the data warehouse templates.

Click here to download a list of the Power BI templates.





Pre-configured reports & dashboards *




AR Aging Today *

Sales Invoice *

* All Power BI templates require adjustments and customizations before providing value.

Microsoft Excel Templates

These templates include Excel workbooks with pre-configured data feeds from your MS SQL Server data warehouse and/or ETL+ CSV exports. Most MS Excel workbooks will require some level of adjustment before they provide value. The data feeds will easily bring the latest data warehouse data into Excel, from where users can slice and dice their data and build new reports.

Available data warehouse data feeds for MS Excel:

  • AR Aging Today

  • GL Transactions

  • GL Financials (P&L, B/S, Budget, Trial Balance)

  • Sales Invoice

Keywords: out-of-the-box templates, mappings, ETL+, data warehouse, ERP, CRM, reports, dashboards, KPIs.

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