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DataSelf Extended Support Plan

  • Deployment

    • Out-of-the-box deployment of your DataSelf Analytics software such as ETL+, data warehouse, Power BI, and Tableau. Some of these tasks might require the client’s assistance and/or use the client’s own software (e.g., Power BI).

    • Out-of-the-box deployment of DataSelf BI Templates (mappings, data models, reports, dashboards).

    • Connection of the out-of-the-box DataSelf software to the client’s source system(s).

    • Connection of the out-of-the-box DataSelf BI Templates to the client’s source system(s). This applies to the source systems listed here.

    • Guidance on how the client can perform their own data quality assurance.

  • Upgrade

    • DataSelf Analytics software.

    • Source Systems: Adapting DataSelf Analytics to the client’s source system(s) upgrades according to Data Source Move/Upgrade: one per year.

  • Training

    • Unlimited seats in DataSelf University online classes (limited to seat availability).

    • Dedicated one-on-one training per year. See your SOW for details.

  • Adjustment

    • Adding source fields (including custom fields) from pre-mapped tables.

    • Setting up single sign-on (SSO) in Tableau.

    • Setting up row-level security (RLS) based on single-user and single-manager levels: one per year.

The client might need to assist with some of these tasks.

Click here for the DataSelf Software Maintenance Program that’s included with our licenses.

Subject to change without notice.

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