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DRAFT License a Tableau Desktop License with

How to register a Tableau Desktop when you don’t have ???

How are these instructions related to the Install Tableau Creator Embedded Desktop instructions found at Creator Embedded for Refreshing Tableau Data Sources

You Will Need

How to

  1. Open on a web browser.

  1. Select a site from the Select where to sign in menu.

  1. Enter credentials and complete the MFA process.

Down Load & Install Tableau Desktop

  1. Download the appropriate version of Tableau Desktop from the Tableau Customer Portal

  2. Run the install file as Administrator.

  3. Respond to the installer prompts.

Active Tableau from Tableau Desktop

  1. Open Tableau Desktop.

  2. Click Activate Tableau.

Tableau Desktop – Activate Tableau

  1. Click Activate by signing in to a server on the Welcome to Tableau screen.

  1. Enter the URL for the Tableau Server at the Server prompt.

  2. Click Connect.

Are these screens on the web browser?

  1. Sign in. Use the credentials used for

  1. Enter Enter the URL for the Tableau Server at the Site URL prompt. Click Continue.

  1. Enter Customer Portal credentials.

  1. Complete the MFA process.

  1. Enter Registration information. Click Register.

Then the client should be returned to their Tableau Desktop screen. If we are returned to Tableau Desktop then were have we been?

  1. Select the Server tab. Select Sign into a Another Server.

  1. Enter at the Server prompt.

  1. Enter credentials.

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