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Embed DataSelf's Tableau in Sage X3

This article

Part 1. Find the URL of the Dashboard or Report to Embed

  1. Open Tableau Web Server in a web browser.

  2. Open the dashboard or report to embed.

  3. Click the Share icon on the top or bottom right.

  4. Copy the URL in the Link box in the Share window. This URL will be used in Part 2.

  5. Important: If you don’t see the word "embed" in the URL above, add "&:embed=yes" at the end of it.

Part 2. Embed the URL into Sage X3

  1. Open Sage X3.

  2. Click Administration on the top menu bar.

  3. Click Authoring > Menu Items.

  4. Click +Create menu item from the action list on the right.

  5. Populate the fields in the Information panel.

    1. Code. Enter a name with no spaces, must be unique.
      This name is used inside Sage X3 administration to uniquely identify this entry.

    2. Title. The menu name that Sage X3 users will click on to run the DataSelf dashboard or report.

    3. Link Type. Set to External link.

  6. Content panel.

    1. Paste the URL of the dashboard or report to embed into the URL box.
      See Part 1 above for how to copy the URL into the copy-and-paste clipboard.

  7. Go to the Sage X3 landing page.

  8. Click on the tab you want to add the dashboard or report to.

  9. Click on the plus sign on the upper right.

  10. Click the Web icon.

  11. Click No Module under the Modules heading.

  12. Click No Category under the Categories heading.

Find the name of the dashboard or report entered in the Title box in step above and click on it.
You should be redirected to the tab where the link to the embedded dashboard or report has been added.

To adjust the size of the link to the embedded dashboard or report

  1. Hover your mouse over the bottom border of the link until a double-arrow appears

  2. Drag the dashboard to the desired size.

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