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ETL Defined

ETL is an acronym for Extract, Transform, Load. Definition and conceptual description of ETL.

Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) combines three data processing functions that transfer data from a data source to a target database.

  • The first stage, Extract, involves reading and extracting data from various source systems.

  • The second stage, Transform, converts the data from its original format into the format that meets the requirements of the target database.

  • The last stage, Load, saves the new data into the target database, thus finishing the process of transferring the data.

ETL tools collect, read and migrate data from multiple data sources or structures and can identify updates or changes to data streams to avoid constant whole data set refreshes.”


During the Extract stage, data is extracted from one of the data sources in the ETL Source panel.


During the Transform stage, the extracted data is transformed to a single table can be loaded to a table shown in the ETL Object panel.

The transformation logic is shown in the ETL SQL Statement panel associated with the target table currently selected in the ETL Object panel.


During the Load stage, the data that was extracted and transformed is loaded to the target table associate with the SQL statement shown in the ETL SQL Statement panel.

The load operation can write, change or delete data in the target table depending on the Load Type selected in the ETL SQL Statement panel.

Extract-Transform-Load mechanisms, available with ETL+, combine the data integration tasks of:

  1. Extracting data from a source database

  2. Transforming it, and

  3. Loading the transformed data into a target database

  4. Scheduling ETL tasks to run on a regular basis.

  5. Displaying log files from previous runs.

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