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Power BI Concepts & Definitions

Glossary and descriptions of terminology of Power BI.

Glossaries of Power BI Terminology

Terminology used in this KB include semantic model, report, dashboard, Workspace


File extension for a Power BI Desktop file (letters pronounced individually as P-B-I-X). Contains dashboards, reports, and semantic models.

Power BI related templates from DataSelf will usually be PBIX files.
PBIX files utilizes power query to connect to various sources (excel, SQL, etc.). DataSelf’s OOTB solutions will always connect to the MS SQL Server based data warehouse. These workbooks are PBIX files containing the semantic model and the visual layer (report)

Power BI Service

A online service hosted by Microsoft. Hosts tenants.


Report (informal)

One or more pages of visualizations, graphics, and text. All of the visualizations in a report come from a single semantic model. Contrast Reports vs. Visualizations.

A multi-perspective view into a single semantic model, with visualizations that represent different findings and insights from that semantic model. Can have a single visualization or many, a single page, or many pages.

Semantic Model

A collection of data used to create visualizations and reports.


A file that is used to deploy solutions from DataSelf. Sold as discrete products.


Visualization types (also known as visuals) include bar chart, tree map, doughnut chart, map, table, and matrix. See also Visualization Types that Make Reports below.

Workbook (Excel)

An Excel workbook that is used as a data source by Power BI /semantic model.


Containers for dashboards, reports, and semantic models in Power BI.

Reports vs. Visualizations

Report & Reports: Informal vs. Power BI’s Definition

Power BI defines reports differently from the informal use of “reports” as tables with rows and columns or pivot tables.
Power BI defines a report as:

One or more pages of visualizations, graphics, and text.

Visualization Types that Make “Reports”

Visualization types include what would be called a report with rows and columns or pivot table.

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