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Sage 100 Providex ODBC DSN Setup - Summarized

Click here for more detailed ODBC set up instructions.  


  • 32 vs 64 bit Versions
    In the process below, you may use the Sage 100 set up with 32 or 64 bit version. Install the corresponding 32-bit or 64-bit version of DataSelf ETL+.

  • Sage 100 User Credentials
    Sage 100 user credentials with ODBC reading rights to the appropriate modules.

  • Network Read rights for SOTAMAS DSN
    When the ETL+ engine and its Agent are installed, the Agent’s services user must have network reading rights for the ODBC DSN to function.

Workstation Setup

Run Sage 100’s Workstation Setup on the server where the ETL will be installed, so that the ODBC driver and sample User DSN are configured. And then test that the user that will be used to run the ETL can use this ODBC DSN.

  1. Run Sage 100 Workstation Setup on the server where ETL+ is or will be installed.

  2. Log onto the server with the Windows user, usually a services user, that will be running the DataSelf ETL+ Agent (which runs the automatic load jobs).

  3. Make sure you can log onto Sage 100 using the above Sage 100 user that will credential the ODBC DSN.

  4. (Or if the Sage 100 user only has ODBC reading rights, but does not have rights to open the Sage 100 workstation, test the SOTAMAS ODBC DSN using that user.)


Both the 1) Windows login user that will be used to install and set up the ETL and 2) as the Window’s user who will authorize the automatic refresh jobs
require the network rights to read from the SOTAMAS DSN.


  1. Open the ODBC DSN utility (be sure to use the correct 32 or 64 bit version).

  2. Create a SYSTEM DSN that duplicates the USER DSN SOTAMAS.

    1. Recommended to name the DSN 'DS_SAGE100', but any name will work.

    2. Add company ID and login credentials to the Login tab.

    3. Copy the other tabs from the User DSN SOTAMAS.

  3. Test that this DSN works with the services user credentials used by the Agent.

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