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Tableau Authorization-to-run (ATR) Service

The ATR service on a Windows virtual desktop/VM periodically verifies that Tableau Server and Tableau Desktop are authorized (licensed) to run. Tableau software on VMs are especially vulnerable to losing their license status.

Tableau’s authorization-to-run (ATR) service activates (licenses) Tableau Server and Desktop deployed in on-premises, cloud, container, or virtual environments. The ATR service provides short-term leases of configurable duration (ATR duration) which ties the license to the device until product key expires. Tableau recommends using the authorization-to-run (ATR) service to simplify licensing.

Internet access required. ATR periodically requires internet access to a Tableau-hosted authorization-to-run (ATR) service. Firewall configurations and network issues can prevent re-activation of licenses.

Recommended articles about the ATR service

Tableau’s authorization-to-run (ATR) service activates (licenses) Tableau Server and Desktop deployed in on-premises, cloud, container, or virtual environments. The ATR service provides short-term leases of configurable duration (ATR duration) which ties the license to the device until product key expires. Tableau recommends using the authorization-to-run (ATR) service to simplify licensing.

Commands to (Re-)Enable the ATR Service

The Microsoft Windows commands in this example:

  1. (Re-)enables the ATR service on your local server/VM if it has been disabled

  2. Sets ATR to verify the Tableau Desktop license every 4 hours.

atrdiag.exe -enableATRFeature
atrdiag.exe -setDuration 14400
  • 14,400 seconds = 4 hours, the lowest allowed value.

  • In this example, every 4 hours atrdiag.exe will check that the license for Tableau Desktop is still active.

  • Tableau Desktop licenses on VMs are especially vulnerable to losing their license status.


ATR, atrdiag.exe settings as shown in the Windows Registry Editor
Here the duration is 12 hours.

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