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Access Database Engine: Required for ETL+ Excel, .csv & MS Access

ETL+ requires the Microsoft Access database engine 2016 in order to connect to and extract Excel workbooks, .CSV, text, and MS Access databases. How to verify the engine/driver is installed and how to manually the driver. This driver is required by the ETL+ Source Driver for Microsoft Excel.

Verify If the Microsoft Access Database Engine is Installed

Method 1: Control Panel > Programs and Features

ETL+ should download AccessDatabaseEngine_X64.exe (or 32 bit version) in the same folder as DataSelf ETL Plus.exe

How to Manually Download & Install the Microsoft Access Database Engine

ETL+ can download and install the Microsoft Access Database Engine for you. This software can be manually downloaded and installed on your computer.

  1. Download.
    Download Link:

  2. Download AccessDatabaseEngine_X64.exe (or 32 bit version) in the same folder as DataSelf ETL Plus.exe

  3. Install the Microsoft Access Database Engine.
    Run the .exe file downloaded from a Windows Admin user account.

  • Install the 32 or 64-bit version of Microsoft Access Database Engine that matches ETL+ bitness.

  • Some problems can be fixed by uninstalling and reinstalling the driver.

In some cases you may need to download and re-install the required MS Access Database Engine software and reboot your Windows server

Related Pages

Search terms: Excel driver, CSV driver, Text driver, Access driver

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