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DataSelf Analytics for Acumatica with Tableau

The following is a summary of the available BI, report, and dashboard templates. Please contact DataSelf to discuss how these templates and information could apply to your business and needs.

Data Warehouse Templates

The data warehouse templates include DataSelf ETL+ and MS SQL Server preconfigured mappings for tables that are popular for reporting and data analysis. It’s easy to customize your data warehouse solution. Adjustments and customizations can help to tailor the solution to your needs and maximize the templates' value.

Click here to learn more: data warehouse templates for Acumatica.

Tableau Templates

These templates include Tableau data sources, workbooks, and Tableau Server preconfigured mappings. They work in conjunction with the data warehouse templates. These templates can work with your Tableau Cloud, Tableau On-premises, and Tableau Embedded.

On average, templates cover 50% to 100% of their focused reporting needs (e.g.: the AP & AR Aging Today templates often cover 100% of today’s aging reporting).

Click here to download a list of the Tableau templates.

BI Template - Code




Pre-configured reports, dashboards, and KPIs




AP Aging Today - AP

AR Aging Today - AR

Budgeting/Forecasting * - BD


Cash Flow Projection * - CF

CRM Activity * - CA

CRM Marketing Email ** - CM

CRM Opportunity * - CO

Field Service * - FS

GL Transactions * - GT

GL Financials (P&L, B/S, Trial Balance) * - GF

Inventory On Hand Today - IO

Inventory On Hand Monthly * - IH

Inventory Projection and Planning * - IP


Inventory Transactions * - IT

Manufacturing: BOM (Bill of Materials) * - MB


Manufacturing: Work Order (Production Oder) * - MW


Project Accounting * - PM

Purchase Order - PO

Sales Invoice - SI

Sales Order - SO

Non * marked templates should provide value right-of-the-box. Adjustments and customizations might be needed to maximize their value.
* These templates usually require adjustments and customizations before providing value. These templates often have sample data until properly connected to a source system.
** Add-ons might require other applications. E.g.: HubSpot for CRM Marketing Email.
Please check out your SOW (scope of work) for specific templates included.

* All Power BI templates require adjustments and customizations before providing value.

Keywords: out-of-the-box templates, mappings, ETL+, data warehouse, ERP, CRM, reports, dashboards, KPIs., MS Excel.

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