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DRAFT ETL+ Load Replace Example – .CSV Source

Examples of source data from a .csv file and the target tables that result from a Load Replace.

Example 1

The ‘watermark’ field, ModifiedSequence, is also the DW PK (see Design page).

ModifiedSequence column make a PK

The ModifiedSequence column represents a sequentially incremented value.

Initial Load

Source file

Target Table After

ETL+ Preview Table

new Target Table


Log: (4 rows loaded)

2nd Load Replace

Source file

Target Table Before Load

Target Table After Load

Row2 updated, ModifiedSequence = 105

The Primary Key (PK) is ModifiedSequence

Table has two rows where the row column = 2.

Log: (2 rows replaced)

The Target Table has two rows with a key column = 2.

The DW PK checkbox on the Design page has no effect on how Load Replace works.

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