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DRAFT Uses of "PlayBook" in Software

    A developer's playbook is a guide for the developer to follow when developing their application. It is a collection of tools, libraries, and guides for building a software application. It's a collection of technical recipes, practices, patterns and best practices all rolled into one.

    Playbooks can be used by anyone who wants to learn how to develop software, but they're handy for people who want to become developers themselves. They help you learn about specific technologies and methodologies to build your projects from scratch without spending much money on training or mentorship programs.

Incident Response Playbooks

In software Playbook is a common term for IT or cybersecurity incident responses.
It’s the official term in US government cybersecurity documents


In software Playbook is a common term for IT or cybersecurity incident responses.

We probably follow unwritten playbooks for how we handle common technical support issues.   

It’s the official term in US government cybersecurity documents

Otherwise playbook is more often used at a more general level:


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