DRAFT ETL+ Playbook & Solution Library
Library of ETL+ strategies, solutions, procedures/recipes, and Best Practices for ETL+. A ‘toolkit’ of strategies, patterns, technical recipes, techniques, and best practices for using and configuring ETL+ to achieve different goals.
⚒️ TERMINOLOGY (What is a 'Playbook” or whatever we are calling this)
Alternative Names:
DataSelf ETL+ Solution Library (Joni)
(DataSelf) ETL+ Recipes
ETL+ Best Practices ETL+ Strategies and Best Practices
ETL+ User Guide (prefix w/ DataSelf if the parent directory isn’t visible)
Name already in use: DataSelf ETL+ User Guide
This section will be removed or greatly shortened once we decide on a name and description.
DRAFT: Is not published to kb.dataself.com
DS Staff Input Invited
A ‘toolkit’ or library of documented procedures, solutions, examples, and guidelines for specific tasks or scenarios using DataSelf ETL+ such as …
Design patterns are reusable solutions to commonly occurring ETL+ configuration problems. They are general, proven solutions to commonly encountered challenges that have been tested and refined over time by experienced developers.
Can include templates, checklists, and other resources to help ensure that development work is consistent and efficient.
Playbooks are procedures, guidelines and best practices. A place to share proven solutions and avoid ‘re-inventing the wheel’.
Candidate Names
Toolkit, Guidebook, Best practices repository, ETL+ solutions library, ETL+ Design Patterns, Design templates, Software patterns. See DRAFT Uses of "PlayBook" in Software
Playbook Directory
Importing from Specific Data Sources
Configuration Configuring ETL+ describes modifying/adjusting ETL+ settings, options, preferences or parameters.
Configuration settings allow users to tailor ETL+ to specific users needs or preferences.