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DRAFT ETL+ Playbook & Solution Library

Library of ETL+ strategies, solutions, procedures/recipes, and Best Practices for ETL+. A ‘toolkit’ of strategies, patterns, technical recipes, techniques, and best practices for using and configuring ETL+ to achieve different goals.

⚒️ TERMINOLOGY (What is a 'Playbook” or whatever we are calling this)

Alternative Names:

  • DataSelf ETL+ Solution Library (Joni)

  • (DataSelf) ETL+ Recipes

  • ETL+ Best Practices ETL+ Strategies and Best Practices

  • ETL+ User Guide (prefix w/ DataSelf if the parent directory isn’t visible)
    Name already in use: DataSelf ETL+ User Guide

This section will be removed or greatly shortened once we decide on a name and description.
DRAFT: Is not published to

DS Staff Input Invited

A ‘toolkit’ or library of documented procedures, solutions, examples, and guidelines for specific tasks or scenarios using DataSelf ETL+ such as …

  • Design patterns are reusable solutions to commonly occurring ETL+ configuration problems. They are general, proven solutions to commonly encountered challenges that have been tested and refined over time by experienced developers.

  • Can include templates, checklists, and other resources to help ensure that development work is consistent and efficient.

  • Playbooks are procedures, guidelines and best practices. A place to share proven solutions and avoid ‘re-inventing the wheel’.

Candidate Names

Toolkit, Guidebook, Best practices repository, ETL+ solutions library, ETL+ Design Patterns, Design templates, Software patterns. See DRAFT Uses of "PlayBook" in Software

Playbook Directory

Importing from Specific Data Sources

  • Configuration Configuring ETL+ describes modifying/adjusting ETL+ settings, options, preferences or parameters.
    Configuration settings allow users to tailor ETL+ to specific users needs or preferences.

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