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ETL+ for OData

DataSelf uses the OData protocol for Acumatica and supports OData for other data sources.
See also ETL+ for Acumatica Cloud (OData)

OData (Open Data Protocol) is an ISO/IEC approved, OASIS standard that defines a set of best practices for building and consuming RESTful APIs. –

Installation Checklist

Connecting to OData

Connecting to source data stored on an OData source.

  • If you haven’t installed ETL+ yet: ETL+ Deployment Instructions.

  • Login to ETL+ (help here).

  • Adding a new OData source: On ETL page’s left panel, click Add Source -> OData.

  • Maintaining an OData source: On ETL page’s left panel, right-click the OData source → Properties.

  • On the OData page:

    • Alias is automatically populated, but you can customize it.

    • Odata feed (URL). Enter the OData URL.

    • User and Password. Enter the username and password.

    • Authentication. Select an option such as Basic.

    • Extraction blocks: By default, leave it at 5000 records.

    • Pause: By default, leave it at 500ms.

g.Click Connect.

  1. You’ll get back to the ETL page and see tables under the OData source on the left panel.

Mapping and Loading Tables

  • To view tables available from your OData source on the left panel, right-click the Source source → Refresh.

  • To map a OData source table to the data warehouse, double-click its name on the left panel, or right-click on it → Add Table.

    • You’ll now see the table added/mapped to the center panel.

  • To preview its data, right-click the table on the center panel → Preview.

  • To load its data to the data warehouse, right-click the table on the center panel → Load Now.

  • Click the Log icon (top right) to view data load results. Log page help here.

Schedule the Data Load

  • On the ETL main page, click Job (top right icon on the center panel).

  • Select a Job or create a new one to load your OData data on a schedule (help here) → on the right panel, be sure the OData tables to load have their boxes checked and in the desired load order.

  • To load them now, click the Run Job Now (play icon) on the left panel for the desired Job.

  • To schedule the data load:

    • Click WTS Settings -> enter the WTS parameters → Apply.

    • This step might require you to run ETL+ app as “Run as administrator” in Windows.

  • Click Close -> Close.


After ETL+ has loaded your OData tables, this is to check if the data extraction process finished successfully and row count per extracted table matches with your OData tables.


  • Login to ETL+ (help here).

  • On the ETL main page, click the top-right Log icon. Log page help here.

  • Scroll down on the log page and double-check that no table load failed, and the row count matches with the source OData tables. Following is an example highlighting two tables from a sample OData source and their loaded row count.

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