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Embed DataSelf in Acumatica via Site Map

Click here to embed DataSelf using Acumatica Dashboards Widgets

Acumatica 2020 R2 and newer:

1. In Acumatica, go to the Site Map page (Search for Site Map)

2. Click image-20240903-182534.png to add a line. 

3. Enter the following:

Share View panel with Share using a link.

  •  Workspaces = Dashboards

  • Category = Dashboards

4, Save this Site Map page.


  1. Go to your Acumatica Dashboards page, show all entries.

  2. Confirm. Do you see the new page (e.g. <name of the dashboard>)?


When embedding Tableau workbooks as new pages in the Site Map, some newer version of Acumatica may revoke access to that page by default.  Acumatica Access Rights by Screen shows how to grant access rights to pages.

Acumatica 2020 R1 or earlier:

1. In Acumatica, go to the Site Map page (Search for Site Map)

2. Find a place to add the new DataSelf dashboard. Example:

  • Expand Company -> Organization -> click Dashboards

3. Create a new line and populate the fields such as: 

  • Screen ID = DS.BI.01.01 (ID must be unique)

  • Title = Name of the dashboard top-level page

  • Icon = optional

  • Url = ~/Frames/Default.aspx (Url starts with ~ )

  • Expand: optional

  • Save it



4. On the left tree, expand the dashboard entry, click the dashboard top-level page just created, and create a new line. Example:

  • a) Screen ID = DS.BI.02.01 (ID must be unique)

  • b) Title = Name of the individual dashboard

  • c) Icon = optional

  • d) URL = go to the source DataSelf (Tableau) dashboard page, click the Share icon on the top right, copy the Link's URL (see below) and paste it into the Url field in Acumatica.


  • Note: for embedding natural language pages, follow the steps described in the "Natural Language (NL) URLs for Embedding" down below.  

  • Also Note: if you do not see the word "embed" in the URL, add the following to the end of the URL "&:embed=yes"

  • e) Expand: optional

  • f) Save it.

  • With 2 dashboards note how the Screen IDs were numbered.


5. Go to Acumatica's More Items -> Dashboards (or Analytics), and refresh this webpage in your web-browser. 

6. On the bottom left corner, click "..." -> Edit Menu -> ADD MENU ITEM (top left) -> Search for the name of the dashboard just created (ex.: DataSelf). 

7. Check the box by the dashboard name -> click ADD & CLOSE , and then again check the box by the name of the just added dashboard -> click EXIT EDIT MENY (bottom left). 

That's it! 

Keywords: Embedding DataSelf Reports and Dashboards

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