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Endpoint - API Endpoints Defined

API Endpoints are URLs where a web service or API receives requests. DataSelf employs endpoints for the SQL Extractor API and Tableau Extractor API.

Features of API Endpoints

  • Bypass the computer code often required to use APIs. API endpoints embed the API call in a URL that can be called from a web browser or Excel workbook. Just call the endpoint, and you get your data instantly.

  • Works Over the internet.

  • Security. API endpoints can be protected by security measures like authentication and encryption.

  • Microsoft Excel. Excel fully supports API endpoints.
    Open Excel, Data tab > Get Data > From Other Sources > From Web.

API (Application Programming Interface)

An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of rules and protocols that allows different software applications to communicate with each other. APIs act as a bridge between systems, enabling them to exchange data and functionality without needing to understand internal workings.

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