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DataSelf ETL+ Server Minimum System Requirements

Hardware and software requirements for a private cloud or on-premises ETL+ Server architecture.

DataSelf ETL+ Server & DataSelf ETL+

DataSelf offers ETL+ Server as a cloud-hosted service and as a software suite that can be deployed on-prem. Most customers access ETL+ Server via the cloud and interact with it using the ETL+ desktop application.

This page is directed to customers deploying the ETL+ metadata on a private cloud or on-premises architecture.

DataSelf ETL+ Server Minimum Hardware and Software Requirements

  • Hardware: A dedicated VM/server with 4 CPU threads, 8GB of free RAM, 100GB of free disk space.

    • HD with encryption at rest.

    • Set up frequent backups (daily or faster) with a local and at least one remote redundant copy.

  • Operating Systems: Windows Server 2019 or 2022.

  • VM-based MS SQL Server (not serverless): version 2019 or 2022 with the lastest CU; Edition: Standard or higher; Recovery Model: Full; Compatibility level: Latest available; Collation: the same as your source systems', if applicable (Our default is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS); Authentication: Windows and SQL Authentication enabled. Apply/install SSL certificate for encrypted connections.

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