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Financial Planning & Analytics


General Ledger Budgeting

Basic GL Budgets from ERP

The General Ledger Income Statement Budgets in the standard ERP are automatically included in the DataSelf preconfigured General Ledger Transactional and Financial reporting. This may comprise multiple Budgets, to accompany the Actuals.
Preconfigured reports compare a selected Income Statement Budget against Actuals, or compare multiple Budgets against one another.

Balance Sheet Budget values are also available for use in custom reports. Some minor customization is required to align these Budget values with the specific way that the client is using them within the Balance Sheet environment - as period postings or as ending balances?

Basic ERP Budgets are the target monthly amounts at the GL Account, potentially down to the GL SubAccount, level.

Basic Budgets from Imported Sources

The SQL data warehouse back end is designed to make importing basic Budgets from a local or cloud spreadsheet to replace (or add to) the ERP’s built-in Budgets a fairly simple process.

(screenshot of a Actuals for Prior Months, Budget for Future months reports)

Complex General Ledger Budgets

When General Ledger Transactions are posted at a detail level (instead of as batch totals), there is some additional information available about each transaction, such as the CustomerID. Custom Budgets can go to whatever granularity that is available from the GL Transactions.*
Generally, these types of Budgets specify, for example, the top Customers individually, and lump the rest together in one bucket.

*Or the GL Transactions can usually link back to the original transactions, such as to Sales Invoices, to add additional granularity, such as Product Line or Salesperson. This granularity can be then used for complex Budget reporting.

Budgeting for Sales or Other Modules

Any reporting template can have custom budgets added, such as Sales by Product Line for Top Customers.

The Budget can be at any granularity that is reported on in the module. For example, Sales by Salesperson and Customer Buying Group. Generally, these types of Budgets specify, for example, the top Customers individually, and lump the rest together in one bucket.

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