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OData: Message OData[0100] "contents ... not available"

ETL+ error message “OData[0100] - The contents of table xyz are not available for this use.
The remote server returned an error (403) Forbidden.”

Error Messages

  • OData[0100] - The contents of table xyz are not available for this use.

  • The remote server returned an error (403) Forbidden.

  • “You do not have access to this entity set.”

Copy/paste the OData URL on a browser


  1. Examine the OData URL in a web browser.

  2. In ETL+, verify that the URL is correct in the Odata page. (ETL+ Source Objects Panel ).

  3. Confirm that the OData user entered as User on the Odata page has the correct roles to pull the proper data. For more see Acumatica User Rights for DataSelf

  4. For OData v3, verify that the OData checkbox has been selected for the GI’s.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.