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ETL+ Source Objects Panel

Names and maintains connections to data sources. The Source Objects panel is one of three main panels of the ETL+ Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) page.

ETL+ connects, reads, and extracts from a wide variety of data sources / source systems. Connections to these data sources are managed on the Source Objects panel.
Where to find this panel in ETL+.

Source Objects panel button toolbar. Part of the ETL page.

………………………….Source Objects panel button toolbar. (Part of the ETL page.)

Source drivers shown in the Add Source menu

  1. Add Table: Select a table under a data source and click Add Table.

  2. Add Source: Click to add a new data source object.
    More at ETL+ Data Source List,
    ETL+ Source Drivers

  3. Delete Source.
    Select a Source Object and click to delete.

  4. Refresh. Select a source object and click to update it’s metadata. (F5)
    Metadata is saved.

  5. Properties. Select a source object and click to change the settings.
    Similar to Add Data Source above.

  • Expand or collapse Source Objects with + or - next to the data source name.

Source Objects, Source Drivers, and Metadata.

For more see ETL+ Metadata

zData Warehouse ( Default Data Warehouse )

zData Warehouse is the default, destination data warehouse. Read and write-back data to transform data already in the data ware. See also zData Warehouse (Reimports) in the Target Objects panel.

  • Used to created calculated fields, apply formulas, run SQL functions and make other data manipulations to the data warehouse.

Related Pages:

Where is this Page in ETL+?

v2023.07 ✅

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