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ETL+ Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) Page

Main ETL+ page. Opens after Sign in page.

  1. Data Warehouse info: The target database/data warehouse that is loaded with data extracted from the Source Objects and Target Objects. Name of the data warehouse connected to this ETL+ session. The info shows as [<MS SQL Instance Name>].[<Database name>].

  2. Find image-20240522-194841.png. Click to open the search box. (shortcut: Ctrl + F)


Search box for Find

3. Log image-20240522-193856.png. Click to open the ETL Log page. (shortcut Ctrl + G)

  1. ETL Working Files.

  2. Help image-20240522-193932.png. Click to open documentation for this ETL+ page in a web browser (shortcut F1)

  3. Settings :Settings_Gear: Click to open the Settings page.

  4. Version number: format: vYYYY.MM.DDBB.

    • Example: v2022.08.2901 means the 1st build on 08/29/2022.

  5. ETL+ User name and Entity for the current session.

    • User: the ETL+ username (email address) that is currently logged to ETL+.

    • Entity: the Entity identifies the mappings shown on this page.

    • SQL instance hosting ETL+ etl_metadata DB: only shows for admin users.

  6. Close. Click to close the current ETL+ session.
    To close without saving changes click Close and click Yes to the ‘Leave without saving?' prompt.

  7. Save. Click to save changes (shortcut Ctrl + S).

    • An asterisk indicates there are unsaved changes.

  8. Load Panel. Load All, Replace, Upsert and Append.
    For more see ETL+ Table Load Types.

  9. Confirm.

  10. Parse toggle. When on, changes made to the columns named in the SELECT clause on the Extract SQL Statement panel will be reflected on the target table.

  11. Source Objects panel.

  12. Target Objects panel.

  13. Extract SQL Statement panel.

NOTES: Hover over and/or right-click icons and objects on ETL+ to view their functions and/or metadata.

Source Objects Panel

Names and maintains connections to data sources.


Toolbar for Source Objects panel

Source Objects panel
button toolbar

For more see
ETL+ Source Objects Panel

Source Objects panel of ETL+ Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) window.

Source Objects panel v2023.07

  1. Add Table (v2023.7): Select a table under a data source and click Add Table.

  1. image-20250122-235500.png Add Data Source: Click to add a new data source. More at ETL+ Data Source List | Adding-Data-Sources

  2. image-20250122-235621.png Delete Source. Select a data source and click to delete.

  3. image-20250123-000359.png Refresh. Select a data source and click to refresh it's list of tables. (F5)

  4. :Properties_Wrench: Properties. Select a data source and click to change the settings.
    Similar to Add Data Source. More at ETL+ Data Sources | Configuring a Data Source

  5. :Add_Table_to_Target: Add Table to Target

data sources. Select a data source and click Properties to configure. (Ctrl + I)

Data Sources

Data sources are source systems and other data sources available for data extraction.

zData Warehouse is the target/destination data warehouse. Read and write-back data to transform data already in the data warehouse. See also zData Warehouse (Reimports) in the Target Objects panel.

  • Used to created calculated fields, apply formulas, run SQL functions and make other data manipulations to the data warehouse.

Related Pages: ETL+ Source Drivers, ETL+ Data Source List
Adding a new data source to ETL+

Target Objects Panel

The center section of the Target Objects panel is a hierarchical menu consisting of target tables grouped by data source and target column names.

Configures the mapping of Source Objects to Target Objects. Allows data warehouse table maintenance and data load. Lists the tables and columns mapped to the data warehouse grouped by data source.







Call out 8️⃣: More Actions

  1. Create Table. Select to create a new data warehouse table from scratch. Name it and then create SQL for it in the Extract SQL Statement panel.

  2. Delete Table. Select a table then select Delete Table to delete it, select Yes to confirm. (Ctrl + Del)

  3. Duplicate Table. Select a table, then select Duplicate Table to duplicate it. (Ctrl + 2)

  4. Rename Table: Select a table, then click Rename Table to rename it. (F2)

  5. Design: Select a table and click Design to design the columns format and extra data manipulation.
    More at: ETL+ Design Page

  6. Preview Table: Select a table, then lick Preview Table to preview data in the Preview page. (Ctrl + P)
    The Preview page display a sample of its records from the table’s data source (ETL+ executes the top records from the Extract SQL Statement to preview).

  7. Load Now: Select a table and click Load Now to load its source data into the data warehouse. (Ctrl + L)
    (The corresponding SQL and Load type options in the Extract SQL Statement panel determines how and what data is loaded.)

  8. More Actions.

    • Show Columns

    • Expand All / Collapse All: Expand or Collapse hierarchical menu

    • Download to CSV

    • Freeze: Disable changes.

  9. Job. Opens the Job page. (Ctrl + J)
    More at: ETL+ Job Page

  • Select a table to view its mapping on the Extract SQL Statement panel.

  • Expand/collapse the list of tables by clicking the +/- icon by the Source Group (header).

  • Double-click a table to enable expand/collapse.

Right-click Target Objects (target databases, tables or columns)

  1. Load Now

  2. Preview Table

  3. Design

  4. Rename Table

  5. Duplicate Table

  6. Delete Table

  7. Create Table

  8. More Actions

    1. Show Columns

    2. Expand All / Collapse All

    3. Download to CSV

    4. Freeze

Target Objects

A target object is a list of data warehouse tables mapped to a data source in the Source Objects panel.

zData Warehouse (Reimports) is a pre-defined source linked to the data warehouse. This source lists tables from the data warehouse re-imported into the data warehouse (for data manipulations).


Target Tables represent tables in the data warehouse.

Account, AccountClass, down to INItemCostHistByPeriod are target tables in the Acumatica v4 data warehouse.

Table Columns

Every table consists of one or more table columns.

Double-click a table or right-click it → Show Columns → +/- to expand/collapse its list of columns.

Types of Table Columns

  • PK (Primary Key) icon: Columns that are part of the table’s primary key.

  • Black column icon: The data warehouse column format is the same as from the source.

  • Green column Icon: The data warehouse column format has been edited in the Design page.

How to edit column data types and PK

Extract SQL Statement Panel

Edits the SQL code (SQL statements) that controls the mapping of the source data connections in the Source Objects panel to the data warehouse tables in Target Objects panel.

Each SQL statement corresponds to a source group and table from the Target Objects panel. The output of the SQL SELECT statement loads into the destination data warehouse displayed just below the page title. See Data Warehouse info.

Extract SQL Statement panel (Load All)

Extract SQL Statement panel (Load Upsert)

  1. Display of the names of the corresponding source group and table on the Target Objects panel.

  2. Extract SQL Statement. Editable text of SQL code/statement.

    • To view or edit SQL for a table: Select a table on the Target Objects panel. The corresponding SQL statement should appear in the Extract SQL Statement panel.

    • Use the SQL Statement syntax of the data source. Look at the SQL syntax for MS SQL Server sources in MS SQL Server, Providex syntax for for the Providex ODBC, etc.

  3. Load Type: Controls how the data load process for the selected table.
    More at ETL+ Table Load Types.

  4. Confirm. Click Confirm to accept the changes.
    To reject the changes click on another table and click No to the Confirm changes? prompt.

    • A asterisk indicates that the SQL has been edited.

  5. Parse.

Related Pages

v2023.07 ✅

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