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Built-In Views provided by DataSelf :

The DataSelf Analytics workbook is provided Out-of-the-box ready to use for sales, inventory, and AP/AR information. These are descriptions of the worksheet views provided and what they do.

Home page of the Out-of-the-box workbook, DataSelf Analytics v2201

For more about this workbook see

AR (Invoiced Sales Order) Section of the Out-of-the-box workbook, DataSelf Analytics v2202

Reviewing the Sales section of the Out-of-the-box workbook

NLQ - Natural Language Query
(Ask Data)

 Self-service queries you can build using natural language. See example queries on right of screen.

Salesperson Performance

Chart measuring performance by salesperson, customer or item.
Enter a % goal based on prior year data for comparison to selected year’s performance.

Hot: On Fire & Heating Up ***

Chart showing top activity and improving activity by customer, salesperson, item.
Report by customer, item, city, state, and more. Measure by sales, cost of sales, gross profit, qty sold.
Select two time periods for comparison. See the top numbers in chosen period and increased numbers between time periods.

Cold: Cooling & Frozen ****

Chart showing decreasing activity and no activity by customer, salesperson, item.
Report by customer, item, city, state, and more. Measure by sales, cost of sales, gross profit, qty sold.
Select two time periods for comparison. See decreased activity between time periods the no activity in chosen period.

Top Item to Top Customers

Tabular view of top sales for a given period by customer.

Rolling - Period Variances

Tabular view of sales per custom time period showing comparisons & variances. I.e., current 30 days vs prior 30 days.

YoY Variances *

Popular Chart showing YoY Sales, Gross Profit, Cost of Goods Sold, Qty Sold per customer or item.
Sort by variance increase/decrease. Highlight by customer or item to see related records.
Check the Show Details link when you highlight an item.


Chart showing customers who continue to purchase over multiple years or not.

Pareto: Gross Profit vs Sales

Chart comparing customer sales vs gross profit. Your highest sales customers are not always the most profitable customers.

Whale Curve

Chart showing customer's contribution to the bottom line after including plugged overhead cost/invoice in the GP calculation.

Your Daily Flash

Chart showing sales for a chosen date by salesperson, customer, item, ship-to city.


Tabular view ranking sales, cost of sales, and more. Display by customer, item, salesperson, invoice amt, and more.

Predictive Sales

Line graph by Item Class & Year showing sales, cost of sales, gross profit, qty sold. The predictive function needs to be custom configured.

Slicer: Ad Hoc Reporting **

Slice and dice sales data your way. Choose up to 4 subtotal categories and over 30 numeric values to total. All without writing any scripts.

Sales Trends: Major Variances

Bar graph and line chart dashboard displaying sales for selected period of time presenting by month and YTD. A time-oriented view of sales.

Same-Period Variances

Tabular view comparing sales, cost of sales, or gross profit for a selected year/month and same month prior year.

Related Pages

NEXT: Sales Focus: YoY Variances - DataSelf - Confluence (

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