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Setting Up a New Tableau User

Create a new Tableau user in Tableau Web Server.

  1. Log into your Tableau site with a web browser.

  2. Select Users

  3. Then select Add Users and New User

  4. Enter the person’s email address as their DataSelf username.

  5. The Display Name is the person’s first and last name.

  6. Select a site role. For more see Tableau Site Roles

  7. Enter the persons email address in Email. The email address is needed for alerts, comments, and subscriptions.

  8. Enter a password. Password Recommendations

    1. RECOMMENDED - To require that the user change their password upon first login, go to Users > find the user in question > click on the ellipsis () > Force Password Update.

  9. Add the new user to Tableau Groups and grant permissions as necessary.



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