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Tableau Creator for Cloud Activation

How to activate Tableau licenses after purchase.

Tableau will send an email to the identified Portal Admin within 24 hours of license purchase. This email includes the customer’s Tableau Cloud site activation link. (Please check Spam folder for email.)

Your license provides you access to a Tableau server site under your customer name. The Tableau server is different and in addition to your existing DataSelf server site. Once you have successfully accessed your new Tableau server site using your Creator, you will be ready to point your Creator to your DataSelf site.

More information for getting started with your Tableau Creator for Cloud can be found here and here.

Have questions about activating your Creator for Cloud? Please contact Tableau

Summary Activation Steps for New Tableau Customer Portal Admins

The person listed as the Portal Admin on the license purchase agreement should receive a email from Tableau with a link to to activate the cloud site.

  1. Open the email from Tableau and follow the instructions.

  2. Watch for follow up emails and follow the instructions in them.

  3. Sign in to your DataSelf server site using your new Creator for Cloud. See Opening Tableau Desktop/Creator and connecting to your site for more instructions.

  • Tableau Customer Portal:

  • Salesforce/Tableau no longer issues traditional license keys for their retail Creator for Cloud licenses.

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