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"0 rows loaded" from OData

Two issues: 1) ETL+ log says “0 rows loaded” but the table in OData has data or
2) the number of rows loaded into ETL+ doesn’t match the number of rows on OData.

There are several know causes of this issue that have to be fixed in OData. Basic troubleshooting calls for seeing if the problem can be traced to OData itself.

Troubleshooting: Can the problem be traced to OData?

To diagnose, follow the troubleshooting steps on the OData Refresh Failure at Certain Times page.

Under development

This page is new and currently under development. Its contents are incomplete.

Possible Fix

Reduce the number of rows specified for Extraction pages on the OData page in ETL+.

Caution. Impact on processing time and system overhead. Reducing the number of rows in Extraction pages will increase the time it takes ETL+ to extract data from all tables.

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