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Accessing Acumatica/OData in a Web Browser

Opening and using the Acumatica server with your URL. Troubleshooting ETL+ issues extracting from Acumatica/OData data sources.

Identifying your Acumatica/OData server's URL

See OData URL from an Acumatica Instance

OData v4 Pointers, Tips and Advice

  • Tables Available: When refreshing an Acumatica OData v4 source on ETL+ left panel, you’ll see the list tables available from the OData v4 metadata. Depending your Acumatica speed, it can take a minute or so to load the metadata.

  • Tables Available List from OData URL: To view the raw table list data processed by ETL+:

Open a URL like the example below on a web browser:
YourOdatav4URL/$metadata (e.g.;$metadata )

  • Table Columns:

    • When adding tables from the list of OData v4 tables from ETL+ left panel, ETL+ will create a SQL statement showing columns from the OData v4 metadata. See the prior item URL rule.

    • You can also use the following Statement syntax to pull all OData v4 columns:

      • SELECT * FROM TableName

    • When loading an OData v4 table, you can also extract several columns that are part of related tables. To figure out what columns are available, open on a web browser the following URL:

Related Pages

terms: open OData in a web browser, open Acumatica web browser, Acumatica tenant

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