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Access Data Source's Metadata from ETL+

Accessing metadata of data sources from ETL+.

Open ETL+

  1. Open a ETL+ entity in ETL+.

  1. Select the data source from the ETL+ Source Objects Panel.


Source Objects panel with data sources
AcumaticaDB_2022R2, Sage100_ABX


Toolbar of Source Objects panel

Source Driver Pages

  1. Click Properties image-20250131-200409.png to show the ETL+ source driver linked to the data source.

Example Source Driver pages


ODBC Databases /
ODBC source driver page

Tables from Data Source

  1. Click Refresh image-20250131-205118.png to extract fresh metadata from the data source.

  2. Expandimage-20250131-210049.png the data source to show the tables available.


Show Tables & Columns Extracted from the Data Source

Perform the steps from Open ETL+ and Tables from Data Source above (steps 1-2 and 4-5).


Expand AcurmaticaDB_2022R2, Select Account

Columns Loaded into the Data Warehouse

The ETL+ Design Page shows the columns and transformations that are loaded into the data warehouse.

  • Select a table on the Target Objects panel.

  • Select Design image-20250131-213435.png to open the Design page

Target Objects panel Toolbar

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