ETL+ Source Driver for ODBC
Creates and manages Source Objects that connect to source systems with the ODBC source driver.

Source Objects panel toolbar.
See button descriptions on the right ➡️
These are functions to maintain ETL+ sources connected to ODBC DSN’s.
Add Source: Adds a Source Object. Opens a menu of available source drivers.
Delete Source: Deletes an existing ETL+ Source Object.
Refresh: Loads/updates the metadata from the ODBC’s data source.
Properties: Opens the ODBC DataSources page.
ODBC DataSources Page

ODBC DataSource source driver page for Entity: ds_qbo
Alias. The name for the source object shown on the Source Objects panel.
Unless customized the name will be automatically populated from the File Path.Schema: Defines the name of the SQL data warehouse’s schema that will store this source’s target tables.
Recommend leaving this setting as-is.This checkbox is dimmed for multi-tenant data warehouses (Essentials Edition), and the SQL schema name is the Entity. When unchecked, the SQL schema name is the Entity.
When checked, the schema name is the Alias.
Credentials (if applicable) section
Login. Login if one is required by the ODBC driver. Otherwise leave blank.
Password. Password if one is required by the ODBC driver.
Delimiters: Recommend leaving these settings as is.
Table’s Names
Column’s Names
ODBC 64-bit Name (or ODBC 32-bit Name).
Select a ODBC driver on the list.
Back. Leave the page without saving or attempting to connect.
Connect. Connect to the ODBC source. Same function as Refresh.
Save. Save the configuration without attempting to connect.

Help: Link to knowledge base.
Source’s Default Agent: Configure the default Agent for this data source.
Change Data Driver: Change the data source driver. Opens the source driver menu.
The ODBC source driver does not create a DSN in the ODBC Data Source Administrator or modify DSN’s in any way.
The ODBC source driver does not change data or affect the source system in any way.
Deleting a Source Object has no impact on the ODBC DSN, the source data or the source system. It does not affect the actual source data in the source system.
The Refresh button on the Source Object toolbar loads/updates metadata from the source system. This snapshot of metadata is retained until it is refreshed again.
How to Add ODBC Connections
Create a Windows ODBC DSN for your source system. See ODBC Data Source Administrator below.
Open the ETL+ Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) Page for the ETL+ entity to edit.
Select Add Source > ODBC
Select the name of the ODBC driver from the ODBC 32-bit or ODBC 32-bit panel.
Change the name in Alias as desired.
Enter Credentials as required by the DSN. See Login and Password above.
Enter appropriate Delimiters settings.
See the list of ODBC/DSN source systems below for the appropriate settings.
NOTE: The ODBC source driver does not create a DSN in the ODBC Data Source Administrator.
How to Maintain ODBC Connections
Open the ETL+ Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) Page for the ETL+ entity to edit.
Select an ODBC-based Source Object on the Source Objects panel.
Select Properties > ODBC
NOTE: The settings on the source driver do not impact or change the DSN in the ODBC Data Source Administrator or the data in the source system connected by the DSN.
Add Windows ODBC drivers (DSN) with ODBC Data Source Administrator

Microsoft help:
About ODBC data sources
A [ODBC] data source is a source of data combined with the connection information that is required to access that data. Examples of data sources are SQL Server, Oracle RDBMS, a spreadsheet, and a text file. Examples of connection information include server location, database name, logon ID, password, and various ODBC driver options that describe how to connect to the data source. This information can be obtained from the administrator of the database to which you want to connect.
ODBC/DSN Related Pages by Source System
- Sage 100 Providex ODBC DSN Setup - Summarized
- Sage 100 Providex SQL Syntax for ETL+ Extract SQL Statement panel
- Sage 100 Providex Date Functions
- Providex SQL Syntax
- Configuring NetSuite for ETL+
- Salesforce Technical Details
- Sage 100 Technical Details
- ETL+ for Sage 100 Providex
- Sage 100 Providex ODBC DSN Setup - Detailed
Related ETL+ Pages
⚒️ Refresh metadata.
Position in the ETL+ Interface
Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) page
Add Source, Properties or Refresh buttons