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ETL+'s "Hidden Folders"

How to delete the so called “hidden folders”. These folders contain configuration information/metadata and are store locally on the computer server executing any copy of ETL+.

Deleting “Hidden Folders” While ETL+ is Running

  1. Run ETL+ with with the -md parameter

Example "C:\Program Files\DataSelf ETL Plus\DataSelf ETL Plus.exe" "-md"

  1. The Metadata Server page will open.
    See ETL+ Troubleshooting page for more about configuration settings for this page.

  2. Select Save.

  3. Continue with the How to Delete ETL+ “Hidden Folders” procedure below.

How to Delete ETL+ “Hidden Folders”

Remove hidden files in hidden folders.

Open Windows File Explorer. Delete these folders

  1. Either C:\ProgramData\DataSelf Corp\DataSelf ETL Plus or C:\ProgramData\DataSelf\ETLplus

  2. C:\Users\<YourWinUserName>\AppData\Local\DataSelf_Corporation

How to Find Hidden Folders & Cancel the Hidden Item status

  1. Open Windows File Explorer.

  2. Select the Folder, right-click Properties

  3. Clear the Hidden Items checkbox on Window Explorer

  4. Delete the folder.

After deleting the ‘hidden folders’ you will have to enter your credentials (email and password) the next time you sign in to ETL+.

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