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ETL+ System Diagrams

ETL+ system architecture. Data sources, ETL+, data warehouse, MS SQL Server, Reporting & analytics tools: Tableau, Excel, PowerBI, Crystal Reports, etc.

ETL+ Overview

An ETL+ powered data warehousing provides the following benefits:

  • ETL+ is a high-performance, no-code, low-code, full-code Extraction, Transform, and Load tool to get your data sources' data into MS SQL Server data warehouses and then optimize and secure access for reporting.

  • You can leverage regular MS SQL and reporting tools and features in conjunction with ETL+. ETL+ is an additional powerful and easy-to-use tool, not a limitation on what you can do.

  • The ETL+ Agent can trigger reporting tasks on schedule. Depending on user-selected security settings, one can use it to trigger tasks on demand remotely.


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DataSelf Analytics Processes

The following shows the processes and communications involved in a DataSelf Analytics cloud system.


  • The data warehouse and data warehousing services are hosted by MS SQL Server.

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data warehousing MS SQL Server based, MSSS, reporting and analytics tools, Tableau, Excel, Power BI, Crystal reports, SSRS, data base management system, data sources, ETL, extract, data warehouse

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