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On-prem ETL+ Preinstallation Checklist - Combined/DRAFT

Generic ETL+ installation instructions for all data sources and data warehouses located on various servers.

Instructions NOT Included

These instructions are not addressed to specific data sources or configurations for hosting DataSelf’s data warehouse.

  • This guide does not include specific instructions such as:
    since your ERP is Sage 100 using Providex, you will need to set up an ODBC DSN on this server. 

  • These instructions do not include (so far at least) how to instructions such as how to run the installer .msi file and answer it’s prompts.

Generic ETL+ Installation: Prerequisites, Key Information & Requirements

Installation Requirements

DataSelf Agent Planning

  • Your IT representative also needs to make the decision about which Server User will run the ETL+ Agent service.

  • They also need to make the decision about which Server user will run the Agent service (that schedules the refreshes)

  • What time to run the nightly data load (after batches are posted and any server backups etc are completed)

Additional questions:

  • Who will be the Site Admin for the Tableau reporting site.
    The Site Admin can add additional users and control their security permissions to different data templates. Usually, you want that to be yourself or an active Tableau user, since it uses one of your Tableau user licenses.

Next Steps

A DataSelf IT Consultant will schedule a screen sharing session to the installation server and will assist you in the ETL+ installation.

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