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Install DataSelf ETL+ (Step by Step)

✅ v2023.10

Important: The following assumes you’ve already received your ETL+ email registration. Please contact your DataSelf Seller if you don’t have it yet.

  1. ETL+ Pre-Installation checklist: DataSelf ETL+ Pre-Installation

  2. Download the ETL+ Installer from DataSelf ETL+ Download Links and save it in any Windows folder.

  3. Run the ETL+ Installer (DataSelfETL_Setup.msi) and follow the prompts.

  1. Run DataSelf ETL+ from your Desktop shortcut or from your Start → DataSelf ETL Plus menu.

  2. This step is only required if your public IP hasn’t been whitelisted yet: Product Registration page. Copy the email address, Entity ID and DataSelf Token from the Product Registration Email you received during Pre-Installation to the Product Registration page.

    Product Registration window.

    Your email, Entity ID, and Token fields

    • Click Next.

    • Secured IP page. Accept or change the public IPv4 or IPv6 address to make the secured connection to DataSelf’s cloud.

    • Most users should just click Next, or enter a 2nd public IP address in Optional 2nd Public IPv4 then Next.

      Public IPv4 and Optional 2nd Public IPV4 fields.

  3. New User page – ETL+ User Credentials

    • Copy the Email address from the Product Registration Email you received during Pre-Installation into Email.
      The email address serves as the ETL+ ‘user name’.

    • Press Tab or go to the next field.

    • Enter a new ETL+ password for new users (or enter your existing ETL+ password) into New Password and Re-enter password. New passwords must meet the minimum requirements stated on the window.

    • Press Tab.

    • If you have access to multiple ETL+ entities, select the desired one from the Entity dropdown list.

    • Click Login.

Prompt for users with a single ETL+ entity.

  1. Connect to your Source System and Set up the Scheduler.

    1. Click here to Configuring & Using ETL+ for the First Time

    2. DataSelf Agent Service - Configure for Auto Start – ensures that DataSelf Agent starts up every time Windows boots up.

Next Steps

See Configuring & Using ETL+ for the First Time

Your ETL+ out-of-the-box deployment should be all set!

Related Pages

Your email, Entity ID, Token, Public IPv4 and Optional 2nd Public IPV4.
DataSelf ETL Plus, ETL+, Installation, Deploy, Deployment, Advanced Analytics, Acumatica, Sage 100, Sage 300, Sage X3, Sage CRM, NetSuite,, Dynamics Business Center, BC, CRM, NAV, GP, D365

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