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Configuring & Using ETL+ for the First Time

✅ v2023.10

Tour the main pages in ETL+

Familiarize yourself with these pages.

Connect to your Source System for the First Time

If this ETL+ has already been connected to your source system (such as in new client’s installations), and this install will not be extracting data from a source system then skip to the next step.

Find the link for your source system here ETL+ Data Source List. Click the relevant link and follow the instructions on that page.

In rare instances, source systems may require ETL+ 32-bit:

  1. Download the DataSelf ETL+ 32bits file from DataSelf ETL+ Download Links.

  2. Copy/paste DataSelf ETL Plus.exe into C:\Program Files\DataSelf ETL Plus

    • confirm the overwrite prompt.

Connect to Your Data Warehouse for the First Time

By default, ETL+ comes pre-linked to a data warehouse and it shouldn’t be changed. If you need to change it to another SQL database, from the ETL page → Settings → Data Warehouse, and then configure the connection strings to your own data warehouse.

Populate zData Warehouse (Reimports) data warehouse.

See zz_LoadOnce_Delete populates zData Warehouse (Reimports)

Scheduling ETL Processes

Your ETL+ out-of-the-box deployment should be all set!

Related Pages

DataSelf ETL Plus, ETL+, Installation, Deploy, Deployment, Advanced Analytics

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