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How to Verify that OData v4 is Working

How to quickly verify that OData is running and working correctly.


  1. A user login for the OdataV4 URL below that has the ODataV4 ROLE. 

  2. If the Acumatica Admin has set up permission restrictions by screen then the user will need the screen permissions AND the ODatav4 role.


  1. In web browser enter$metadata 

    • xxx" is replaced with the customer's Acumatica site name

    • AB&C%20Corp" with replaced with the customer's Acumatica tenant name.  
      For more about %20 encoding see the URL Encoding section below.

  2. Enter the user login

Evaluating Results

If the web page display a list of tables then Acumatica is working.

Work in Progress
Restart Acumatica message.
What to do if you get a message like “Restart Acumatica” or some other error message.


See OData: Message OData[0100] "contents ... not available"

If there are spaces in the customer's tenant name, each space must be replaced with %20. This is a example of URL Encoding.  
URL Encoding replaces certain characters – mostly spaces and other special characters – with a % followed by a 2 digit number.

  • AB&C Corp is encoded as AB&C%20Corp

  • Benchmark Technology Group is encoded as benchmark%20technology%20group

For more see URL Encoding

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