SQL Expressions in the ETL+ Design Page
Using SQL in the T-SQL Expression column of the Design page. This final transformation is applied just before data is loaded into the target tables in the destination data warehouse.
ETL (Extract, Transformation & Load) Stages in ETL+
Extracting data from Data Source Objects, transforming the data, and loading it into target tables is a two step process in ETL+. The T-SQL Expression column in the Design page is part of the transformation in this second step of this process.
First the data is extracted from the Source Objects (source tables) into a internal staging table.
This stage is controlled by theThe delta load options ETL+ Load Upsert and ETL+ Load Replace
The Dw Data Type column on the Design page.
Second the data in the staging table may be further transformed and loaded into the target table.
This stage is controlled by theThe T-SQL Expression column in the Design page is part of the transformation in this second & final step.
The delta load options ETL+ Load Upsert and ETL+ Load Replace
T-SQL Expression
CONVERT(varchar(30), GETDATE() )

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✅ v2023.07