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DataSelf Analytics Demo Script

Demo Dashboards by Vertical

Credentials. Username: DataSelf#1 Password: DataSelf#1

May need to ask DataSelf contact to open data source

Optional - Customizing a Demo (Ad Hoc)

With the following credentials, one can edit and create new reports and dashboards. You won’t be able to overwrite the existing demo templates. Contact DataSelf to subscribe and gain full control of your own DataSelf Web Portal. Note: the NLQ demo page only works when users are logged into the portal - see credentials below.

10-min Demo Script

  1. Click the following link to launch the demo web portal:


  2. Sales Invoice Slicer

    1. This is the fifth most popular DataSelf template! It’s a powerful and easy ad hoc analysis tool. Slicers can work for any data analysis, such as GL, inventory, and project accounting. The report is currently showing sales by item in 2030.

    2. To show sales for all years: on the top right FYear filter, check (All) → Apply.

    3. Uncheck (All) → check 2030 → Apply to go back.

    4. To drill to 2030 sales by month: hover over the report’s 2030 column header → click the + icon.

    5. Select only first three months of 2030: click (All) under FPeriod on the right panel to uncheck all boxes, check 01 & 02 & 03 boxes, press Apply.

    6. We want to see the report by another dimension like Salesperson! Click the top left dropdown showing Item. These are pre-mapped dimensions. These dropdowns are customizable, allowing data analysts to add an unlimited number of custom dimensions.

      1. Select Salesperson from the first dropdown.

    7. Let’s break down the sales by Salesperson and Customer. Hover over the report’s Grand Total row header → click the + icon.

    8. Let’s break down the sales by Salesperson, Customer, and Item. Hover over the report’s second row header → click the + icon → click the 3rd dropdown Item.

    9. Let’s add Qty Sold to this report: Click the last dropdown (Sales) → check Qty Sold → Apply. Click outside of the dropdown list to hide it.

    10. With proper user credentials, users can:

      1. Save these customized Slicer reports so one can run them anytime easily.

      2. Schedule the distribution of reports. For instance, email the report to the sales team every Monday 8am.

    11. DataSelf Slicers are like Excel Pivot tables on steroids. They are easier and faster with current data, and they can be automatically distributed on schedules!

  3. Natural Language Query (NLQ) for building reports (similar to Google searches and ChatGPT queries).

    1. Click the NLQ tab (top left tabs above the Report’s name). If you get a prompt for credentials, enter Username and password: DataSelf#1

    2. Analyzing sales by salesperson.

      1. In the center box, type in Sales by salesperson in 2030 <press Enter>: this shows 2030 sales by salesperson.

      2. Type in by month <press Enter>: this breaks down 2030 sales by month by salesperson.

      3. To view in text (or other formats): click the drop-down list on the right → Text Table.

      4. With a few more clicks, users can export the data to Excel or PDF, and save/share the report.

    3. NLQ is amazingly powerful, currently works with English, and is not a magic wand.

  4. Year-over-Year Variances (the most popular DataSelf template): DataSelf dashboards allow users to look at the big picture but, most importantly, to slice & dice the data to uncover what’s driving the trends.

    1. Click the YoY tab.

    2. The top right filters show This FY for 2029 for periods 01 to 09. Therefore, Prior FY = 2028 for the same periods (YoY comparison).

    3. The top right quadrant shows the big numbers, right below is the trend comparison, below is sales by geography, then sales by customer and items on the right widgets.

    4. Hover over the TX bubble. The pop-up shows growth of 11% YoY. Amazing growth!

    5. Click the TX bubble to find out what’s driving such growth! The dashboard now shows TX sales.

    6. Wait! This year, the fourth-largest 2029 customer is experiencing a major decline! Click Church of The Apostles Co customer to analyze their sales.

    7. Drag the mouse over the Item’s Var bars for the top three items by sales decline, wait for the pop-up, and click Show Details.

    8. The bottom panel shows the underlying sales transactions.

    9. DataSelf dashboards are customizable and allow slice & dice, and drill down and across the data.

  5. Other popular demo dashboards to show:

    1. 360-degree View: Combines dynamic KPIs from across the organization; in this example: ERP, CRM, Excel, POS, eCommerce, Payroll, Loyalty System, Time & Attendance, and Google Analytics.

    2. P&L Budget: This is a glimpse of BI shining with financial reporting. There are other templates focused on financial reporting.

    3. Cash Flow Projection: Combines and projects cash coming in and out into the future. The demo shows AP/AR/Payroll. The production system can easily incorporate PO, SO, and other data points.

    4. Inventory Planning: For organizations spending too many hours with inventory planning in Excel.

    5. High-Risk Debt Customers: Fast and informative insights from AR Aging trends.

Watch the script here:

Embedding DataSelf in your Source System

Search words: 5min, short demo, quick demo, simple demo, Quick Intro and Script

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