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Saving Client's Time on Initial Deployment

We can offer professional services that will reduce the clients time and effort required for initial setup of DSA Cloud AD as well as for daily operations.

Clients can can save their time by having us setup all their Report & Distribution Commands.   Most clients want to be trained to take over setup and operations as soon as possible but we don’t have to do it that. 


Initial setup includes one report designated by the client to 1 or 2 email addresses (or list of addresses) as final testing.  So if the immediate need is one report that is filtered by recipient the initial deployment may fulfill all of your initial needs.

Information Required

The following information is the minimum information required to setup a Tableau report for distribution.

  • The URL to the report from the Tableau Server website.

  • Recipient email address (single address or delimited list of addresses)

  • The filter values (if any) that correspond to the recipient email address(es).

For more on all the options and settings for each report automated see Report & Distribution Commands

 Initial Training (Optional)

This training is only required for clients who want setup their own reports or maintain the distribution by email. This training focuses on how to maintain and update the Report & Distribution Commands .

Initial training takes 1 – 2 hours.   The training is very practical and hands on.  Training starts with an examination of how I setup their first report, running the report and ends with the client setting up and running one of their reports.   But the training is only needed when they want to take over management of the reports automated.

Most clients want to be trained to take over setup and operations as soon as possible but we don’t have to do it that. 

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