DataSelf Automatic Report Distribution services (Excel AD, DSA AD, DSA Cloud AD); how to use Microsoft PowerShell scripts
In this section
DSA AD - Automatic Distribution Setup and Usage
- Advantages of DSA AD over Tableau Subscriptions
- Report & Distribution Commands for DSA Cloud AD
- Out Going Email Servers for Automatic Distribution
- DSA Cloud AD
- Differences between DSA AD versions
- Formatting PDF Output from Tableau
- Checklist for emailing as PDF or PNG
- CSV ("crosstab") Output
- Updates to DSA AD & DSA Cloud AD Required when Upgrading Tableau
- DSA AD Version 1
- Relative Dates & Dynamic Date Filters in Tableau
- DSA AD & Cloud AD Error Messages
- DSA AD & Tableau
- URL Encoding
- Log Files for DSA AD
- DSA AD Static Parameters
- Trouble Shooting DSA AD
- DSA Cloud AD & DSA AD version 2
Microsoft PowerShell
- Deleting Old Files After <n> Days
- Execution Policy in PowerShell
- Replace Text in String
- If ... Else in PowerShell
- Install the SQL Server PowerShell Module from PowerShell Gallery
- Logging Jobs with Start-Transcript
- Run .bat File From PowerShell .ps1 Script
- Unblock PowerShell Command
- new--Microsoft PowerShell
- How to Run PowerShell Scripts
- Running PowerShell Script from Scheduler
- Run Tabcmd from Batch file and PowerShell Script
- Create Windows Environment Variables with PowerShell