SMTP Server for Outgoing Email from DSA Cloud AD
Your email server manager may need this information.
From them I need to get the information listed under the SMTP Accounts & Server Connection Parameters heading below.
At minimum I’ll need the domain name of the SMTP server.
See also Out Going Email Servers for Automatic Distribution
White Listing / Security Info
The fixed IP of the Amazon AWS server that sends outgoing email with SMTP protocol for DSA Cloud AD:
SMTP Accounts & Server Connection Parameters
The host name
The port
The SSL authentication
The account information (username, password, etc.)
Server identification (host name): Type the SMTP server’s unique specification. Find that information on the service provider’s web page or on a POP/SMTP server list.
Port: Most SMTP functions optimally on port 25, although some are compatible with 587 as well. Check your server specifications for more information.
Connection security: SMTP doesn’t usually include email encryption, so secure your connections using STARTTLS or SSL/TLS extensions. You may want to use a different port for encrypted messages.
We recommend delivering the email through your company's SMTP email server.
For setup and test we provide by default, access to a gmail server account. For security we do not recommending using the default gmail server for production.
The values of the parameters in rows 2 to 6 usually must be obtained from the IT person managing the email server.
Expect to test the new settings and make adjustments as required. Common points of problems include:
Network connection between the server hosting DSA AD or DSA Cloud AD and the email server.
Network or email server security.
Similar information as above
Static Settings for Outgoing Email
1#--------- Email function parms -------------------------------
2[string] $global:SMTPServer = ""
3[int] $global:SMTPPort = 587
4[bool] $global:SMTPUseSSL = $true
5[string] $global:SMTPUser = # For anonymous access set to empty string (")
6[string] $global:SMTPPassword = 'xxxxxxxxx'
8[string] $global:defaultSubject = "Report for "
9[string] $global:EmailFrom =
10[bool] $global:EmailBodyAsHTML = $false
These settings are show for illustration purposes – the actual values are maintained by DataSelf on AD’s cloud server.
We recommend delivering the email through your company's SMTP email server.
For setup and test we provide by default, access to a gmail server account. For security we do not recommending using the default gmail server for production.
The values of the parameters in rows 2 to 6 usually must be obtained from the IT person managing the email server.
Expect to test the new settings and make adjustments as required. Common points of problems include:
Network connection between the server hosting DSA AD or DSA Cloud AD and the email server.
Network or email server security.